Fallen Leaves - Playing Hero [closed to Tsume and Asuma] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Playing Hero [closed to Tsume and Asuma] [Jan. 23rd, 2009|11:11 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_tsume
2009-01-23 06:35 pm (UTC)


She coughed a chunk of meat back onto her plate. "I'm sorry--did you say seven--?" He had. She could tell from the look on his face. She smiled. "Uh huh. And you're, what, eight?"

"Oi! You!" Kuromaru called. The server gave them all a panicky look and edged closer. "This guy needs some chicken. You have chicken, right?"

The server looked up at Asuma, who was trying to oh-so-subtly shake his head. Kuromaru turned to look at him, too. He stopped shaking.