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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|06:45 pm]

For half a second, Asuma faced the dilemma of all men everywhere since the prehistoric era: pretty girl or food?

The pretty girl was interesting, but looked to be a whole lot of effort before he actually got anywhere.

The food was right in front of him. And free. And she'd easily left enough money to get dessert...

There would be other girls--or maybe even this one, if he ran into her again. It wasn't like he couldn't wander by the clan grounds occasionally.

Smile slashing across his face, he spun his fork up into a flickering salute and speared a slice of glistening onion dripping in batter. "Crocodile. You got it." He watched the woman snort, her dog look satisfied, and both Inuzuka backs--one muscled and fur covered, the other hidden by overly baggy clothes--as they headed for the door.

"Hey," he called. Blue and gold irises gleamed at him. "Next time you get stuck, don't drive your only ally away. 'S a damn good way to lose friends you might need."

A huff of air and a deep-chest sniff was all the answer he got before both Inuzuka disappeared out into the sunshine.

Asuma sat back, metal bands heavy on his wrists, and let his smile slip away. Beneath his loose, well-armoured jacket, broad shoulders loosened up and eased down the barest fraction. Free meal achieved, new person met, pretty girl cheered up, twitchy dog settled down, good deed for the day--

Damn, she never had told him her age. That was going to itch at him.

He crunched a bit of miscellaneous root vegetable and turned his mind to more pressing matters. Dessert. Hair cut. New clothes. Head down to the quartermaster to get fitted for his armour. Take a shower whenever he got into his new apartment. (Get an apartment number.) Decide what do with his Guardian Twelve uniform--

Except the sash. He was keeping the sash.

--and show up at midnight to take his new oath and tattoo in front the old man.

Asuma spun his soda bottle between long-fingered hands, considering his very near future, then called the server back to order the stickiest, sweetest dessert they had available.

The future would happen later. Right now he had food.
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