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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|06:43 pm]

For a long moment she could only stare at him. Then, very carefully, she set her beer down and leaned across the table. "That," she said, enunciating, "was possibly the worst line I have ever heard. And I grew up in a clan with people who could honestly use lines like that." But she couldn't keep a straight face, and halfway through her final sentence she began to laugh.

Kuromaru looked at them both, then shook his head and gnawed on his steak some more, eyeing Tsume's as he did so.

"Twenty-seven's close enough," she said with a grin, sitting back and nudging her plate away from her familiar.

"She's not sweet-smelling," Kuromaru mumbled with great confusion. "I think the smoke's dulled his nose."

Tsume snorted and cut into the last of her dinner, tossing Kuromaru the long T-bone while she chewed.

He caught it mid-air, crunching the cooked bones with one large snap of his jaws, and swallowing the two pieces in two quick gulps. Then he turned back to his meat, delicately tearing off a bit of fat and depositing it on the side of his plate. It didn't take long to demolish the raw bone, too, and he nosed his leftovers partway across the table.

"Just in case you change your mind," he said helpfully.

Tsume stared. And then she laughed. Laughed so hard she almost couldn't breathe, and shoved at her familiar until he hopped down off the bench seat and looked at her like she'd lost her mind. She pulled her wallet out of her pants pocket, tossing bills on the table and scooting out. "This has been interesting," she said with a flash of a smile, followed by another chuckle, "but I'll get him home before he orders you crocodile."

"Think he could eat that?" Kuromaru asked hopefully.

It sent Tsume into another fit of laughter. "You can try later," she suggested. "Track him down. It'll be a game." And maybe the guy'd get another meal, if he was still needing one. There were plenty of jobs for ninja, though, if he was so inclined; wherever he'd been getting out to, he was back now and things'd start looking up for him.

"Nice meeting you, Asuma." She grinned. "Good luck rescuing other damsels."

"Not that we needed it," Kuromaru added quickly. "And definitely try crocodile. You probably won't be allergic to it."
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