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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|01:48 am]


Tsume picked up the discarded water glass and put it on the counter seperating the kitchen from everything else. Kuromaru continued to stare at the door. She considered him for a long moment, then steadily walked around the end of the bed.

The nausea from her earlier jutsu hadn't faded, and a headache was building. The Hyuuga had told her no Inuzuka jutsu, but it was a genin jutsu and it had been two whole days. Surely that was enough healing time.

When she crossed between Kuromaru and the door, he didn't even seem to notice. She checked that her balance was good, even if she felt weak, that she wasn't going to topple from strained pathways or puke from chakra stress... and then she lunged for the cards scattered across the futon.

Kuromaru whipped around after her, howling a single word. "Cheater!"
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