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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|01:34 am]

Genma blinked at Tsume, then down at his hand, scarred and sinewy, on the basket handle. Putting Raidou back together again--that was what he did. And that was what Raidou did for him, when he was the one falling apart. That was why he'd taken a knee to the groin, and punched out a cop; why he'd spent a night in jail with his scarred hand cradling Raidou's scarred face.

"Yeah. We're good." He nodded. She was standing, but she looked exhausted. He hadn't wanted to pick a fight with her, but it sure as hell felt like they'd just gone several rounds.

"You should sit back down, before you fall," he said. "And Kuromaru needs those wounds bandaged. He's just asking for infection, and it has to hurt, exposed to the air like that. You want me to do it? I can go grab up my medkit real quick."

It was a peace offering. He hoped she'd take it.
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