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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|01:32 am]

"This isn't about me," Genma snarled back. "But with Raidou, you can be damn sure I never have accidents."

Was that even true? If he were really lost in a flashback, would he go for Raidou's face, not even knowing who he was? Because that's what Raidou said had happened. Tsume had been out of her mind with panic, not fighting her sparring partner, but some enemy she refused to name from a past she couldn't get away from.

Raidou had slipped up once, in a panic, on the edge of a ragged break. Genma had pushed, maybe too hard, and Raidou had grabbed for his hand and twisted, threatening Shiranui, don't make me break your fucking thumb before he'd caught himself, and remembered where he was. Who he was.

As far as he knew it, he'd never done that to Raidou, but he could have. He could, maybe, if he were pushed far enough, hurt badly enough. He shut his eyes and took a steadying breath. He wasn't here to pick a fight. He liked Tsume. Could understand her. Respected her.

"I don't... I don't let myself get in a situation with him where I'll forget," he said quietly. "I don't put myself in a situation where I'll lose it. I won't do that to Raidou." But wasn't that exactly the idea he'd had talking to Tsume that time? That maybe he should spar with Raidou and ask him to go for his hands? Maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all.
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