Fallen Leaves - The Weight of the World [Ryouma, Hayate, Katsuko] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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The Weight of the World [Ryouma, Hayate, Katsuko] [Jan. 6th, 2009|07:47 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_katsuko
2009-01-08 07:33 am (UTC)


If there was one thing Ueno Hisae had managed to drill into her errant daughter's head, it was that one always said please and thank you. Katsuko turned and gave Hayate a grateful smile, shoving her hands into her pockets. "Thanks, Hayate. You said you did kenjutsu? Maybe we'll have a mission together sometime."

That was as far as her manners went. Her stomach growled ominously again, and she managed not to look longingly towards the cafeteria by sheer force of will.