Fallen Leaves - The Weight of the World [Ryouma, Hayate, Katsuko] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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The Weight of the World [Ryouma, Hayate, Katsuko] [Jan. 6th, 2009|07:47 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_gekkou
2009-01-07 12:59 pm (UTC)


"Eh? Oh...." Hayate blinked at the lady...Katsuko. "Um, I can show you where the cafeteria is. And the kitchens."

If he went and begged talked to one of the under-cooks--probably Momo, she was usually on evening shift--he'd get food that was a bit nicer than the usual share. Morimoto, the head cook, had been pleasant enough until he'd discovered Hayate was occasional friends with Kotetsu. He was still nice, just acted like he wanted Hayate out of there as soon as possible. Hayate found it easier all around to just talk to the under-cooks.

And then, there would be no spending of Royuma's money. And Hayate could give it back to the man...somehow.....

He retrieved the pebble, the last fallen item. It was cream-coloured and smooth, with a rusty loopy pattern through it. It looked vaguely like the ANBU tattoo, if he squinted. He tucked it into his handful of pocket-treasures, and turned back to Katsuko. She was watching him with a vaguely predatory look, like she might start munching on him if she didn't get food soon.

"...r-right. Kitchens are this way," he rasped, and pattered off down the hall.