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[Jan. 6th, 2009|09:31 pm]

"Or," Ryouma panted, pressing his hand flat against the aching seam angling down his belly, "you could stop stop lurking around doors. You're lucky I didn't have a knife."

He was probably the luckier one. He hadn't even thought to look. And he wasn't the one sprawled on the floor, glaring up with narrowed eyes and parted lips. At first glance he thought the other agent was another teenage boy, all long limbs and fierce gaze. But the thick brown hair was a little too long, the pointed chin was a little too fine. Loose jeans and a dark jacket convincingly concealed the slender figure, but even Hayate's voice was lower.

It was either a startlingly feminine boy, or a woman more masculine than Tsume. He hadn't been sure that was possible.

Either way, the newcomer was probably six inches shorter and fifty pounds lighter than him. Which explained why he'd knocked it down, but not the insults. Gorilla man? He could almost count his ribs, dammit!

"You know this person?" he asked Hayate, jerking his chin down at the intruder. "Any objections if I squish 'em?"
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