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[Jan. 6th, 2009|09:21 pm]
Hayate blinked at the torrent of words that broke the awkward silence. He snorted a little, then burst into a fit of chuckles, ducking his head. He glanced up after a moment, smile wide and crooked up to the right, revealing a dimple in that cheek.

"Gekkou Hayate," he answered, voice frayed and soft. He tilted his head to one side, puppy-like, smiling crookedly with amusement. "And it was only polite to offer you a piece, after all. Though I think you're the first person here in ANBU to be so pleased about it."

The man's smile was wider, and definitely genuine, dark eyes bright and pleased. He looked almost smug, actually.

Hayate resisted the urge to laugh again in response--it would make him cough. "And generally, asking about missions gets people upset, especially if it ends with healings in the field. I could ask, I guess, if you promise not to throw things at me."
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