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Clematis [Closed to Sumire and Arakaki][Mar. 2nd, 2008|08:14 am]
It had been some time since Sumire had been given the honor of speaking with Arakaki-sama. She hadn't bothered worrying about the infrequent snatches of conversation and orders she received: Arakaki Hisoka was a busy man, and she didn't expect to be on his top ten, no, top one hundred, thoughts. She was all the more surprised when neatly filed between her papers for the afternoon's work was a small, sealed envelope


"Mm? What's this?" she broke open the seal and removed the paper. The wording was concise, written neatly in Arakaki-sama's current secretary's hand.

Your attendance is required this afternoon in the Director's office.

Please arrive promptly at 15:45, Agent Murakami.

--Himuro Rika

Sumire folded the paper back up, looking for a watermark or some other note that would ask her to be elsewhere at a different time and found nothing. She glanced up at the clock above the door of her office and frowned. It was already 3:30, she'd have to hurry. Quickly, Sumire packed away her codes and straightened her uniform. She checked her hair, her makeup, and her teeth, before hurrying to his office. She arrived on time and was ushered through by Himuro, who quickly excused herself. Sumire kept her posture straight, her head held high and her eyes directly on her superior's chin.

"You wanted to see me, Arakaki-sama?" Don't squeal, don't squeal, don't squeal ----- rub this in Ren's face later.
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