10th Nov, 2018



Star Wars Links - Week Ending November 9

Guess who finally found her books! Next week we catch up. This week:

3rd Nov, 2018



Star Wars Links - Week ending November 2

Still unpacking! Have some links.

26th Oct, 2018



Star Wars Links - week ending October 26

It is my own personal Han Solo's birthday today and he has mostly dug out my books, but not the box with this book in it yet. Meanwhile:

19th Oct, 2018



Star Wars Links - Week ending October 19

My book boxes have fallen into a hole of no bookshelves and cannot get up! Meanwhile, have some links.

12th Oct, 2018



Star Wars links - Week ending October 12

This should be our last week of Star Wars links and next week we'll jump back in with a catch-up review of Han Solo at Stars End, if people are ready. Express your opinions below!

5th Oct, 2018



Star Wars links - Week ending October 5

Heyyyy I managed to get this into the right journal this week! Today is packing day at my house, so that's a big deal. In other news and Star Wars links: There was also controversy about Russian bots and TLJ, but I'm trying to keep these links mostly positive.

28th Sep, 2018



Star Wars links - Week ending September 28

I know I was tired when I posted this last night because it went in my own journal. FAIL.

Another Friday, another bunch of links. Including.another video from Resistance, which is looking better and better, and some comics spoilers. Read with care!

(FYI: due to some software upgrades and changes on my computer, you're now getting the Apple News passthrough links for some posts. Apple News is one of my regular sources of Star Wars news, so if you see an interstitial link, that's why.)

21st Sep, 2018



Star Wars links - Week ending September 21

Here are your weekly Star Wars links! I hope you're all getting some good leisure time in and a chance to read up on the first Brian Daley book.

14th Sep, 2018



Star Wars links - Week ending September 14

Hey, it's Friday and time for Star Wars links.

Happy reading and watching!

7th Sep, 2018



Star Wars links - Week ending September 7

Following on last month's discussion, we're punting reading any further until October. I may have to push it back another week because of problems with my move. But we will all catch up!

And let's have some Star Wars links:

1st Sep, 2018



Administrivia + Star Wars links - Week ending August 31

I missed last week due to the complexities of house searching (we have a contract now!) but there are a lot of links to follow up on this week. Thanks to the Star Wars section of Apple News!

Having seen how far behind we all are, I declare a moratorium on going further until the first Friday in October. With luck I'll be moved and have internet access by then. Otherwise I'll be posting from my local Starbucks. When you catch up, please feel free to post on the book posts and link in the current links post so you can catch people up and we can get in on the discussion. If nothing else, I'll post a catch-up post then. Hang in there through the first few weeks of school.

Now it's link time:

17th Aug, 2018



Han Solo Read Through - Stars End Complete

Welcome to the endcap discussion post for Han Solo at Star's End by Brian Daley. I was out of town last week and missed everything so I have many links to bring this week. After this week let's regroup and find out where we are because I suspect I'm not the only one whose life is nuts.


Happy reading and happy talking!

3rd Aug, 2018



Han Solo Read Through - Stars End Part One of Two

Welcome to the discussion post for the first half of Han Solo at Star's End by Brian Daley. This week we're reading through Chapter Six; in two weeks we'll be finishing the book. It's been a long time since I read these and I'm excited to be getting back to them. Please don't let the suck fairy have visited!

Also we have links, which I love.

I'm glad I didn't pack the book when we boxed everything up to be carted away this morning!

26th Jul, 2018



Star Wars links - Week ending July 27

Welcome to our link roundup for this week! Posting a little early because I'm going out of town tomorrow. Next week we get into the first book of the Brian Daley trilogy, which technically takes place during the third book of the Crispin trilogy. So we're holding off on the sabacc game until then, but we'll be seeing Han and Chewie in the Falcon starting now.

20th Jul, 2018



Han Solo Read Through - Hutt Gambit Complete Book

Welcome to the end recap post for A.C. Crispin's The Hutt Gambit. Also, it's time for another check-in on how the comm is going, whether we're moving at the right pace, etc. Please add your thoughts. (And about the book!)

Once you've finished reading the book, here are some links to catch up on:

13th Jul, 2018



Star Wars links - Week ending July 13

It's our off week, but Harrison Ford is having a birthday today, so let's celebrate with some links!

8th Jul, 2018



Han Solo Read-Through: Hutt Gambit Part Two

Welcome to the discussion post for the second 120 pages of The Hutt Gambit by A.C. Crispin. This week we're reading through page 240 or so; in two weeks we'll finish the book. Sorry this post is so late; I'm out of town this weekend and this is the first chance I've had to settle in and do links.

29th Jun, 2018



Star Wars links - Week ending June 29

It's our off week so keep reading and meanwhile, have some links!

22nd Jun, 2018



Han Solo read through - Hutt Gambit part one

Welcome to the discussion post for the first 120 pages of The Hutt Gambit by A.C. Crispin. This week we're reading through page 120; in two weeks we'll be at page 240. We also have links! And quite a few of them. Now, onto actually reading my share of this book ...

16th Jun, 2018



Star Wars links - Week ending June 15

Last week I missed posting all the news but in the spirit of the suggestions, I'm posting today (a day late, sorry) with links and next week I'll post the first installment of The Hutt Gambit. Meanwhile, links: On the grounds of this being our happy place, I haven't included any links about harassment and toxic fandom.

See you all next Friday with our next installment!