Aug. 2nd, 2008


Prompt #3 - The Princess and The Pea

Hey guys! How are fics coming along? Good I hope :) If you want to share a snippet with us, feel free! It'd be nice to see what everyone is up to :D

Ready for prompt #3?

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While there is a due date, it's fine if you haven't finished by then, fics can be posted whenever they are completed. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment.

Jun. 25th, 2008


Prompt #2

I'm posting this a little early, but you still have plenty of time to post for prompt #1.

Prompt #2 )

If you have anything to ask or discuss feel free to leave a comment. Happy writing!

Jan. 31st, 2007


Finished claims

If you have finished a claim drop a comment here. This post will also eventually be a list of all those who have finished their claims.

Dec. 3rd, 2007


Welcome post

I just wanted to say welcome to all the members and watchers of [info]fairytale_redux. This is a low pressure community that will hopefully help to dish up a little bit of inspiration. It was originally created on Livejournal, however due to some decisions from the staff I thought it best to move to Insanejournal. This comm is active, so feel free to make a claim and start posting!

I had purchased Grimms Grimmest and having read The Juniper Tree I thought it would be neat to recreate it using Supernatural as a base, but I never could quite get around to starting it. Then I thought maybe other people would like to give it a try, so here we are.

I'm still working out the kinks, but hopefully it'll be successful. Writers and artists, good luck! And if you're just here to see what people come up with, don't forget to comment. Feedback is very important!

Any questions or comments or suggestions, I'm all ears. Just drop me a comment.

Have fun!

Jan. 31st, 2007


Drop a claim

Want to drop a claim? Leave a comment.


Claims list

The following post is a list of the fandoms and stories claimed so far. To make your own claim, check out the stories list.

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Stories List // Make a claim

This is the master stories list. All links lead outside of livejournal. This is also the post where you will make your claim. Again, there is no limit on fandoms or stories. Please include the following in your comment:

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August 2008



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