February 2010




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Feb. 4th, 2010


Who: Abby and Anybody
What: Taking a breather
Where: Madison's
When: Evening
Rating: TBD Low probably
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

i'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly )

Nov. 20th, 2009


Who: Thomas and Abby
What: A Talk
Where: Somewhere in the inn
When: This morning!
Rating: Idk, low probably
Status: Threaded, Complete

she knows the signs and she knows what they mean twinkle twinkle little dream )

Nov. 10th, 2009


Who: Abby and Molly
What: Catching up or something
Where: The Pub
When: Mid-morning or so?
Rating: TBD, low most likely
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

the days are moving so fast that i can hardly keep afloat )

Nov. 1st, 2009


Who: Abby and Rena
Where: Madison's Pub
When: late afternoon
What: it's about time that they spoke to each other again

It was the usual time that Rena came into work... )

Oct. 8th, 2009


Who: Abigail, Thomas, Bridget, Eleanore
What: A Reunion!
Where: The Brothel
When: Immediately after this
Rating: PG-13ish
Status: Threaded, Complete

darkness drains and light will come again )


Who: Abigail, Madame Besoir, NPCs
What: A confrontation
Where: The Brothel
When: Immediately after this
Rating: PG-13ish
Status: Narrative, Complete

You couldn't harm a fly, Abigail, and you know it. )

Oct. 7th, 2009


Who: Abby and Eleanore, appearances by NPCs
What: Rescue mission
Where: Madame Besoire's
When: Evening
Rating: Pretty G
Status: Threaded, Complete

i'll do what i can for you here,yeah, i'll do what i can for you here )

Oct. 5th, 2009


Who:  Eleanore and Abby
What:  A search and a reunion of sorts, perhaps?
Where:  Greenville
When:  Backdated to Sunday
Rating:  Frantic
Status: Threaded, Complete

Wasn't there a fun sort of danger in breaking the rules, or at least thinking you were? )

Oct. 3rd, 2009


Who: Abby and Molly
What: Realizing Thomas and Bridget are gone
Where: Madison's Pub
When: Late evening, after this
Rating: TBD
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

they say there's silver linings folded inside each raining cloud, well, we need someone to deliver our silver lining now )

Oct. 1st, 2009


Who: Abby
What: Thoughts and discoveries and..things
Where: Somewhere near the inn
When: Late morning
Rating: Low, probably
Status: Narrative, Complete

'cause i love you more than you could ever promise and you take me the way i am )

Sep. 15th, 2009


Who: Abby and Halloran
What: Two old friends reunite
Where: The pub
When: Dinner hour or so
Rating: Low, probably
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

i know that i am nothing new, my words might not seem much to you )

Aug. 20th, 2009


Who: Molly, (Open)
What: Pleading for a job
Where: Madison's Pub
When: Afternoon
Rating: low
Status: Incomplete

In all of her adult life, Molly had never been so alone. )

Aug. 11th, 2009


Who: Rena and Abby
What: Reflective, nostalgic, and above all, lonely
Where: Madison's Pub
When: Late
Rating: Low, currently.
Status: Threaded, complete.

Who will be there for you? Comfort and care for you? Learn to be lonely, learn to be your one companion... )

Jul. 7th, 2009


Who: Thomas and Abby
What: More alone time!
Where: An empty room in the inn
When: Immediately after this.
Rating: G/PG - some snogging
Status: Threaded, Complete

have you ever thought about what protects our hearts? just a cage of rib bones and other various parts )

Jun. 27th, 2009


Who: Abby and Rena
What: In which the two finally butt heads
Where: Madison's Pub
When: Late evening
Rating: Pretty G
Status: Threaded, Complete

oh, i'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world )

Jun. 12th, 2009


Who: Abby and Thomas
What: A little one-on-one time
Where: Starting at the inn
When: Late afternoon
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Status: Threaded, Complete

and i'm happier now than i've ever been and i'm hoping this feeling won't die )

May. 29th, 2009


Who: Abigail, Bridget, and Thomas.
What: Abby's first time inside the pub
Where: Madison's Pub
When: Afternoon after this.
Rating: Low
Status: Threaded, Complete

'cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them )

May. 28th, 2009


Who: Abigail Hall
What: In which Abby awakes and is confused
Where: The Forrester Home
When: Morning after this.
Rating: G
Status: Narrative, Complete

innocence didn't mean we're immune to these things let's blame the passage of time )

May. 26th, 2009


Characters:  Thomas Madison, Abigail Hall, Gabrielle Forrester
Setting:  The Forrester Home
Rating:  TBD?
Status:  Threaded, Incomplete

Abigail. Her name was Abigail. )


Small Package Sent to Bridget Madison )

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