23rd Apr, 2011


{glee} unwanted confessions

Title: Unwanted Confessions
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Fandom: Glee
Pairing/Characters: Rachel Berry, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel (implied Blaine/Kurt, Blaine/Rachel)
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Glee belongs to Ryan Murphy and company.
Prompts: Written for LJ's 500themes for prompt #49 (gasping confession.)
Notes: Set after the events of 2x14 "Blame in on the Alcohol."
Summary: What if Blaine's admission in the coffee shop hadn't been truthful.
Word Count: 1784

She's surprised.... )

19th Mar, 2011


{glee} betrayal

Title: Betrayal
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Fandom: Glee
Pairing/Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Rachel Berry
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Glee belongs to Ryan Murphy and company.
Prompts: Written for [info]tv_100’s prompt of brittle.
Notes: Spoilers for 2x14 “Blame it on the Alcohol.”
Word Count: 268

The bottle was... )


{glee) brittle emotions

Title: Brittle Emotions
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Fandom: Glee
Pairing/Characters: Rachel Berry, Sam Evans (implied Quinn/Finn)
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Glee belongs to Ryan Murphy and company.
Prompts: Written for [info]tv_100’s prompt of brittle.
Notes: Set during Season Two, just after the events of 2x16 “Original Song.”
Word Count: 357

Just when she... )

10th Oct, 2010


{glee} i'm watching you all

Title: I’m Watching You All
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Fandom: Glee
Pairing/Characters: Jesse St James/Rachel Berry
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Glee belongs to Ryan Murphy and company. The prompt and title comes from The Stone Roses’ song “Fools Gold.”
Prompts: Written for a prompt I posted at a commentathon of Rachel/Jesse and “I know the truth and I know what you’re thinking.”
Notes: Set during the first season.
Summary: Set after Regionals, Rachel pays Jesse a visit.
Word Count: 655

She's standing... )

11th Aug, 2010


{glee} motherhood

Title: Motherhood
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Fandom: Glee
Pairing/Characters: Shelby Corcoran, with mentions of Rachel and Beth
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Glee belongs to Ryan Murphy and company.
Prompts: [info]prompt_100 – beginnings
Notes: Set just after Season One’s finale.
Word Count: 239

Shelby knows that... )

29th Jul, 2010


{glee} to comfort her

Title: To Comfort Her
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Fandom: Glee
Pairing/Characters: Rachel Berry, Noah Puckerman (implied Rachel/Jesse)
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Glee belongs to Ryan Murphy and company.
Prompts: Written for [info]tv_100’s prompt of touch.
Notes: Set after the egg incident in 1x21 “Funk.”
Summary: It’s Puck who finds Rachel after Jesse and Vocal Adrenaline’s attack on her.
Word Count: 220

It's Puck who finds... )

December 2012




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