Under Wandering Stars

... here be bandfic.

12/31/07 06:47 pm - [info]evaine - For A Little While

Title: For a Little While
Fandom/Characters: Stewart Copeland (The Police)/Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters)/Taylor Hawkins (Foo Fighters)
Rating: R
Genre: Slash
Words: approx 2800
Summary: Stewart is alone in the city, on a promotional tour during the holiday season. A chance meeting in a hotel bar with two other drummers holds the possibility of some holiday cheer. Is he up for the challenge?
Disclaimer: I own only the words; the people own themselves and the events are fictitious.
Notes: Written for[info]sidewinder for [info]xmas_rocks 2006 and posted to Rockfic on January 11,2007.

For a Little While )

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