Jul. 26th, 2008


Daily life: Struggling to get my schedule in order, and reading good fiction in the process

The entry.

Topics in this post: Anniversary, self-publishing, slavefic, summer schedule, permission, orders, Internet round-up, sexual consent in fiction, examination of conscience (examen), one-track mind, reviews of Naomi Novik's Victory of Eagles and Manna Francis's Quid Pro Quo, sleep, lectio divina, my online fiction, flagging your relationship status, fitness and religion, minimalist home, overwhelmed with work, switching to a task-oriented schedule, another Internet round-up (self-publishing and leather), plus my rant about gatekeepers in the publishing world.

Jul. 4th, 2008


Life of Simplicity: Off-Track, and then On-Track Again

The entry.

Topics in this post: Simplicity of surroundings; "brother" monks versus "choir" monks; learning from other people's beliefs while avoiding cafeteria-style spirituality; Internet addiction and my sleep schedule; "Into Great Silence" (film about Carthusian monks); joining my schedule with my apprentice's; caring for my mother; "sabbath" schedule.

Jun. 19th, 2008


Writing life: Family happenings, plus what the fan fiction community has taught me

The entry.

Topics in this post: Storms, heat, publishing historical fantasy print books, haircuts, my mother's 1966 letters, slash convention, review of my leather fiction, slavefic, the fan fiction community.

Jun. 8th, 2008


Life of simplicity: Making progress. Really.

The entry.

Topics in this post: Internet addiction, support for solitaries, stability, meditation/contemplation, liturgical hours, work, novelties, lectio divina and Vitae Patrum, Great Books and ethics, rigid daily schedules, seasonal schedules, social interactions, overwork and tiredness, the Psalms and Thomas Coverdale, Anglican chant, arguments against solitude, grace through trial, asceticism.

Jun. 3rd, 2008


Writing life: Book reviews, natural gardening, word usage, publishing e-books, and moving into print

The entry.

Topics in this post: Internet roundup, original slash, reading fantasy, reading historical fiction, natural gardening, word usage, self-publishing e-books, self-publishing POD books, Internet addiction (breakthrough!), my mother's 1967 letters.

May. 19th, 2008


Life of simplicity: Clothes, community, lectio, and the Vitae Patrum

The entry.

Topics in this post: cowls and habits and other clothes, (not) finding a community, lectio, the Desert Fathers (especially St. Anthony), stability, family obligations, intemperate speech, schedule.

May. 9th, 2008


Writing life: Sylvia Engdahl's science fiction; plus, a writing meme

Entry: making booktrailer videos, fan mail, making cover art, early childhood reading, editing fantasy, reading science fiction, researching historical fantasy, prison tourism, prison history, memories of watching Doctor Who in the 1970s, editing and laying out leather fiction, wordage.


Life of simplicity: Starting from scratch

Entry: Internet addiction, acquisitiveness, Carthusian monks, sacrifice, tidying my surroundings, schedules, skimming quotas, solitaries, rhythm versus novelty, library browsing quotas, travel quotas, Zen Buddhism and the arts, reading quotas, using simplicity as an excuse not to be simple.

Apr. 7th, 2008


Writing life: Spending time with Parhelion's stories and my Muse

The entry.

Topics in this post: Internet addiction, self-publishing e-books, writing fantasy, braille, history of transsexuality, history of marriage, text-to-speech, reading historical fiction, Easter, Digital Rights Management, wordage (and how), sneering at bad gay porn stories, admiring good gay porn stories, Earth Hour, history, writing historical fantasy, print-on-demand (Lightning Source and Amazon's CreateSpace), self-publishing print books, April Fool's Day, audio books.


Mentoring life: Being honest with ourselves

The entry.

Topics in this post: military history, orders, leather history, service, protocol, schedules, family hierarchy, religious hierarchy, business hierarchy, support networks for hierarchy.


Life of simplicity: Starting over

The entry.

Topics in this post: Internet addiction, accumulating possessions, support networks for simplicity, my Muse's effect on my schedule, mania's effect of my schedule, simplicity readings.

August 2008



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