Aug. 5th, 2008


Notice to InsaneJournal members

I'm no longer posting at this blog (eternaldungeon, which was serving as a feed blog to LiveJournal). You can Friend me at my main InsaneJournal blog, [info]duskpeterson.

If you're here from LiveJournal, you can Friend my LJ mirror, duskpeterson at LiveJournal.


duskpeterson at LJ restarted; eternaldungeon2 feed discontinued


Due to repeated difficulties with the LiveJournal feed to my InsaneJournal blog, I'm re-establishing duskpeterson at LiveJournal as a mirror to duskpeterson at InsaneJournal. Because of this, I'll no longer be posting to eternaldungeon at InsaneJournal, which leads to the eternaldungeon2 feed at LiveJournal. If you're subscribed to the eternaldungeon2 feed, please make the switch to duskpeterson at LiveJournal. If you're uneasy about Friending a personal journal, I also post story announcements at powerfic (but usually not site updates).

My apologies to those of you who joined eternaldungeon2 and now have to switch to duskpeterson.

My profound apologies to those of you who joined duskpeterson_ij, and then had to switch to eternaldungeon2, and now have to switch to duskpeterson.

As for those of you who were originally joined eternaldungeon at LiveJournal, and then had to join duskpeterson_ij, and then had to switch to eternaldungeon2, and now have to switch to duskpeterson . . . Will a free round-the-world vacation pay you back?

Apr. 26th, 2008


Seeking beta readers (volunteer editors)


Apr. 7th, 2008


New feed for LiveJournal users

eternaldungeon2 is the new LiveJournal syndicated feed for my blog entries, which will allow you to continue reading my blog on your Friends pages. See the previous post for the reason for this feed. My apologies for the inconvenience to LJ users in having to switch. My thanks to [info]seryx for being kind enough set up the feed.