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Aug. 13th, 2012


AWZ/EKP episode discussion {250-257}

This one's a bit late due to a massive hangover being really busy all day Sunday. *cough*

Aug. 5th, 2012


AWZ/EKP episode discussion {241-249}

Went a bit heavier on eps this week because we're getting to some juicy Deniz plot and it's getting harder to stop watching. Well, until a certain horrible blonde comes walking in the door of No. 7...

Jul. 30th, 2012


AWZ/EKP episode discussion {236-240}

Jul. 22nd, 2012


AWZ/EKP episode discussion {230-235}

Welcome to the inaugural episode discussion post! Below the cut you'll find the episode numbers and original EKP descriptions for the "assigned" episodes this week. Watch and comment, or just join us in some reminiscing.

Jul. 19th, 2012


*dusts off comm*

Hallo thar!

As I mentioned on my personal journal, I'd like to do a sort of organized chronological rewatch of the EKP/AWZ vids, complete with commentary. I was thinking 5-10 vids a week rounded up into one post, with comments about whatever we feel like saying. I think it's safe to not bother keeping it spoiler-free considering participants will need to find their own way to watch the eps and if y'all have that, you're probably already spoiled. I'll put up a post each Sunday which will include episode numbers and descriptions (Overlords, do you mind me cut/pasting the original YT descrips? Alternately I can do brief TWoP-esque recaps...) so even if you don't have access to the episode, perhaps your memory will be jogged enough to join in.

Standard comm rules will apply: no abuse, no trolling, etc etc. One other thing: don't ask where you can get the episodes. The EKP ladies gave everyone PLENTY of time and resources to obtain the episodes before they were taken off of YouTube; if you weren't prepared, you're SOL, sorry. Feel free to play along if you'd like, though!

First post will go up on Sunday. See you there!

May. 18th, 2011


Episode 1183

Posting this early in case people need a place to release any of their ill humours. Also, since we have reached the end of DeRo, this will be the last episode discussion we post for the foreseeable future. (But if anybody else feels moved to discuss, please feel free to post here - you are very welcome!)

Marian kann die Information über Deniz' Betrug nicht verkraften. Erst in letzter Sekunde reißt er das Lenkrad herum. Er übersteht den Unfall leicht verletzt und Ingo nimmt sich seiner an. Es kommt zum Bruch zwischen Vater und Sohn und während Marian in dieser schweren Zeit von seinen Freunden aufgefangen wird, muss Deniz damit klar kommen, alles verloren zu haben.



Episode 1182

Deniz will Marian die Wahrheit sagen - zu spät. Isabelle beschließt, ihr schlechtes Gewissen hinter sich zu lassen. Richard steht entschieden hinter seiner Hochzeit mit Claudia.


May. 17th, 2011


Episode 1181

In case anybody is still watching, we'll put these up through Wednesday anyway.

Deniz' Geheimnis fliegt vor Roman auf. Isabelle will sich von den Erinnerungen an ihre Tat ablenken. Simone und Richard werden an die alten Zeiten erinnert.


For better things, go check out the drabble fest at [info]no7_awz!!

May. 6th, 2011


Episode 1174

Kommt Bens Rettung für Katja zu spät? Axel kommt Maximilian auf die Spur. Marian ist tief verletzt.

More )

May. 5th, 2011


Episode 1173

Schafft es Ben, Katja rechtzeitig zu befreien? Jessica verlässt Essen. Axel wird verhaftet.

More )

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