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Oct. 20th, 2011


And so it's come to this

Soz, can't be bothered to post spoilers (or even to go back to look up which upcoming episode this is from, such is my apathy), but I couldn't resist sharing this picture.

Spike and his Buffybot )

Sep. 8th, 2011


Wow, faily spoilerfail is faily: Episode 1291

Not really a spoiler post. More of a discussion/rant/eyerolling post? Whatever. But here there be spoilers, or at least one.

Bring your own puke bucket, ours are already full )

Aug. 25th, 2011


Dramatic death for Roman Wild

Dennis Grabosch leaves Alles was zählt on September 15, 2011

Click here for the announcement in German on

This article contains detailed SPOILERS. )

Source:, translation by EKP


Spoilers: Eps 1281 and 1282

Spoilers here, now with pictures )

Aug. 18th, 2011


Spoilers for eps 1274-1278

Spoilers here, pics now included )

Aug. 15th, 2011


Pommes! Ulrike! Two of our favourite things! \o/

Ok, so we're not covering Annette and Ingo's current struggle with Melanie the newest Nina/Zoé hybrid (who is yet another new character aged 17 going on 18 - we're accepting bets now whether she'll beat Florian's 14+ months record of being stuck at age 17!), but that is no reason not to sprinkle some Ulrike love wherever we can, right?

Of course not. Mrow. posted an interview on the occasion of Ulrike Röseberg's impending five-year anniversary on Alles was zählt. The interview in German can be found here - make sure you go ogle all the pretty photos (and note some of them were taken by Jan Niklas Berg, the original Ben <3).

And here's a translation: )

Aug. 11th, 2011


Spoilers: Episodes 1264-1271

*dusts off asylum* How does this work, again?

Ah, yes. I figured since we're uploading the last storyline, I might as well do some spoilers. Not all of them, god beware, just last week's and this week's. Seeing as they're, well, kinda important.

Spoilers here (pictures included now) )

May. 18th, 2011


Episode 1183

Posting this early in case people need a place to release any of their ill humours. Also, since we have reached the end of DeRo, this will be the last episode discussion we post for the foreseeable future. (But if anybody else feels moved to discuss, please feel free to post here - you are very welcome!)

Marian kann die Information über Deniz' Betrug nicht verkraften. Erst in letzter Sekunde reißt er das Lenkrad herum. Er übersteht den Unfall leicht verletzt und Ingo nimmt sich seiner an. Es kommt zum Bruch zwischen Vater und Sohn und während Marian in dieser schweren Zeit von seinen Freunden aufgefangen wird, muss Deniz damit klar kommen, alles verloren zu haben.



Episode 1182

Deniz will Marian die Wahrheit sagen - zu spät. Isabelle beschließt, ihr schlechtes Gewissen hinter sich zu lassen. Richard steht entschieden hinter seiner Hochzeit mit Claudia.


May. 17th, 2011


Episode 1181

In case anybody is still watching, we'll put these up through Wednesday anyway.

Deniz' Geheimnis fliegt vor Roman auf. Isabelle will sich von den Erinnerungen an ihre Tat ablenken. Simone und Richard werden an die alten Zeiten erinnert.


For better things, go check out the drabble fest at [info]no7_awz!!

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