Mar. 12th, 2008


Ulquiorra [East End of the Karakuchi District] Need I Remind you? (Atten: All Trash)

The sky split open with their descent, causing quite a scene as they hit the ground and created a deep crater on impact. It shook the ground for several miles, alerting innocent bystanders and stirring their curiosity.

Too bad they never listened when someone told them, "Curiosity killed the cat."

As the dust started to settle a crowd of people started to poke around near the seemingly empty crater. In the midst of it two figures stood, back to back. The smaller of the two was calmly staring through the surrounding tree line, hands deep in the pockets of his jacket, waiting.

"Tch, I came here a few times with a mask on but the human world is more boring than I remember. The spiritual energy here is so thin I think I'm gonna suffocate."

"Stop whining." Ulquiorra's cyan orbs soon bore deep into the buffoon. "I said I'd be fine solo but you insisted on coming along."

"Yeah, yeah... sorry, sorry." The other drawled with a roll of his eyes. He took a few steps toward the craters edge.

"Don't wander too far, we have to wait here." Ulquiorra reminded the fool and turned his eyes toward the slowly gathering spiritual energy. Of course, what really caught his attention was a larger gathering of energy farther off. They had to be the ones that Aizen had sent them after. He had a message for them and the boy known as Ichigo.

There was an exasperated groan from Yami. "Why? Can't we just go find'em and stir up trouble?" A grin spread over his lips at the thought. "Huh? What's with these guys?" The imbecile had a short attention span. "Why are they staring at me? I might as well eat now."

Uliquiorra's eyes rolled over to watch the fellow Arrancar that he'd allowed to come along. The larger man easily sucked the souls from the curious bodies surrounding the crater. "Buaaa! Yuck!"

"Of course, how can such weak spirits taste good?" Uli closed his eyes softly, why had he even agreed to let this dumbass come along anyway?

"Well they kept starin' at me like I'm a freak!"

"The humans can't see us, they couldn't have been staring at you."

"I know, I know, but still I don't like it. How long do we have to wait? And how many do we get to kill?"

Ulquiorra's eyes opened again as they stared off into the distance where he felt that gathering of energy. "Just be patient. We only need to kill one. The others are just a waste of time."

"Tch, how boring."

"Aizen-taichou just wants us to get their attention, remind them that he still exists and they best not forget that he can and will eventually strike."