Apr. 6th, 2011



[In the library is a girl who is under the impression she's been here the entire time. Hotel? Kingdom Hearts? The fuck are you talking about, man? She's a schoolgirl and this is her school.

Right now she's drawing in her sketchbook with a slight smile on her face. Who is she drawing? You...or the person who she's under the impression she's a love interest option for, either/or, whichever's funnier. (Though unbeknownst to her, she'll be accidentally knocking over a bunch of pencils in the next tag, unless something or someone happens to stop her first.)]

Apr. 5th, 2011



You are in the middle of an overly long and boring class. It's perhaps the sort of event which would cause a person to sigh and think about their relationships or wacky events that have gone on: decisions made, conversations had, heart points gained.

But you're just bored. And there's only one way to fix it.

  • You are in a class! We'll say algebra for the sake of having a common subject.

  • The only way to communicate with people is by passing notes.

  • Or drawing, drawing works too.

  • Threadjacking is also welcome, as notes typically have to pass through a lot of hands before they reach their final destination.

  • But above all else, have fun!



Please remember that if you want to play somewhere else, you're more than welcome to. Creativity is encouraged here!

ROOM 211: A very spooky haunted house

Jinkies! If you didn't realize this hotel was unusual, this room...house...room...whatever it is pretty much cements the hotel's status of strangeness.

You see the obligatory spooky dark forest no-doubt filled with various wild animals bent upon eating you. (Any attempts at cutting through the forest in a bid for freedom will result in returning to the house.) You see an old graveyard...which may make you wonder who's buried there. NPCs? Former guests of the hotel? And, of course, regardless of what time you thought it was prior to arriving, it is a moody dark night.

But what about the house itself?

It's a bit run down on the inside. Just a bit. But, imagine, a gothic mansion: large sweeping steps, grand bedrooms, a lonely dining room whose table settings imply that something not very good nor positive went down, and maybe a room in the basement for the owner's hobbies.

And yes, if you wander into a dark room without a light, you may be attacked.

ROOM 257: Lucky Heart! A romantic fun filled romp through a Japanese school!

Wait, shit? Why are you suddenly wearing a sailor fuku?

Why are you in a classroom? Especially if you're significantly older or younger than high school age.

And why do you have the sinking suspicion that you'll be making some important decisions in the near future?

You are in Hachioji Higashi High School, the setting of the dating sim Lucky Heart!. You may or may not be aware that something is drastically wrong: some people seem to be taking this in stride despite the fact they're 82. Good for them. And good for you if you're one of them.

But ahead of you are classes, culture clubs, raising social links if you happen to be a Fool, and adventures in making the right decisions and winning the heart of the person of your dreams. Will you succeed? Will you fail? Or will you spend your school year of love trying to find the right door back to the Endless Hotel because that's preferable to this hell?