Mar. 15th, 2008


Title: Untitled
Author/Artist: [info]ladybrighid3333
Fandom/Pairing/Prompt: AU!Phoenix Wright meets Loveless/DiegoxMia/11. Emotions
Rating: G
Word Count: 136
Summary: what if in Phoenix Wright, the Loveless rules applied? As in kitty ears for the innocent. Well, Mia and Diego are talking about this one person in their case file....
Disclaimer: Loveless belongs to Kouga Yun and Phoenix Wright belongs to Capcom.
Highlight for Warnings: *none, really--though in loveless ears indicates virginity, also this is purely crack!fic*
Beta: none, though i should know better for this fandom in particular
Notes: written for [info]ides_of_march. ok, i cheated for this one since it's also something I just wrote for the Phoenix Wright kink meme over on LJ. Might expand upon it later and do some other characters, but this was a spur of the moment plotbunny.

Untitled )