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Eminor Macula Information

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Private Journal Entry (Sample) [05 Apr 2008|06:50pm]

[ mood | uncomfortable ]

Private Journal Entry )

[Mod Notes: The lj-cut text is to be formatted exactly as such. Private entries should be posted directly to the character's journal and not to the game, with the comments disabled.]

Friend Speak Entry (Sample) [05 Apr 2008|06:50pm]

[ mood | uncomfortable ]

Entry to the Friend Speak Network )

[Mod Notes: All Friend Speak entries should have the lj-cut text formatted exactly as such. Entries are posted to a character's journal only and not to the main game journal.]
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Floo Call (Sample) [05 Apr 2008|06:50pm]

Who: Oliver Wood and Padma Patil
When: October 7, 1999, late evening
Where: Oliver's flat, Glasgow
Rating: G
Status: In progress
Summary: Oliver floos Padma

He'd just stepped out of the shower and figured it'd be best for him to floo Padma before it got too late. He didn't know if she'd be coming over, and if she did she'd likely be hungry - which meant running out because he was certain she'd not appreciate his only having a few condiments and some luncheon meat. The bread was certainly moldy by now, if he had any at all. He'd been gone with the team for the last five days straight. He grabbed a handful of floo powder and threw it into the already lit fire. The flames flared up before settling back into a licking and flickering green flame. He knelt and dipped his head in, calling out Padma's address. He let his head settle and his eyes adjust to the view of her living room before calling out to her.

"Padma, ye home?"

[Mod Notes: The lj-cut text is up to you, but keep it short and neat. Other examples can be seen already in use in game. Please keep the text above the cut to a two paragraph maximum, or no more than ten to fifteen lines.]
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Owl to Minerva McGonagall (Sample) [05 Apr 2008|06:32pm]

[ music | Hunting For Witches : Bloc Party ]

delivered by a juvenile, black-eyed Scops )

[Mod Notes: The lj-cut text is again up to you, but we'd prefer either from Your_Character's_Name ) or something along the following lines: delivered by________ ) or the first line of text from the owl itself, in this case, Thank you for all your help. )]
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Narrative (Sample) [05 Apr 2008|05:54pm]

[ music | Hunting For Witches : Bloc Party ]

Who: Oliver Wood
When: July 5, 2000, before noon
Where: Pewter Mansion
Rating: PG for mild language
Status: In progress
Summary: Oliver is sent on his first mission

It was probably getting on eleven o'clock, but he couldn't be sure. He had taken a broom at McGonagall's insistance and it surprised him just how much he had missed riding freely in the daylight. He'd told himself he could let it go. He'd done so when Puddlemere disbanded during the war. He could do it again. He could do it again.

A strand of long blond hair fell in his eyes. . . )

[Mod Notes: The lj-cut text is up to you, but keep it short and neat. Other examples can be seen already in use in game. Please keep the text above the cut to a two paragraph maximum, or no more than ten to fifteen lines.]

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Character Sheet Template [05 Apr 2008|03:50am]

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JOURNALS [01 Apr 2008|02:52pm]

Premise, Formatting and Quotas )
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Game & Ministry Canon [31 Mar 2008|03:32pm]

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Sample Application [04 Mar 2008|11:21am]

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Game Timeline [29 Feb 2008|05:23pm]

All of the events leading up to the opening of the game.

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Formatting [29 Feb 2008|02:12pm]

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Members and Characters [29 Feb 2008|03:18pm]

Below, you can find information you need on members and their characters, plus a way to add every member in just a few clicks.

Enter your username into the box below and click the button. Everyone is automatically added to your friends list! You'll have to add the communities by yourself.

Please comment to this entry if there are any changes to be made to your contact information.
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Taken Characters, NPCs and PBs [29 Feb 2008|09:05am]

Below the cut are are all the taken characters, taken played-bys and all of the game's non-playable characters.
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CHARACTERS [28 Feb 2008|11:14pm]

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Application [28 Feb 2008|11:12pm]

Send your applications to eminormacula@gmail.com. In the subject line of your e-mail, indicate which character you're applying for. Please review the rules before applying.

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Sample Application
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Rules - REVISED 06/03/08 [28 Feb 2008|10:59pm]

REVISED 06/03/08
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