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Elric Apartments

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Breaking up the tedium [Apr. 19th, 2013|09:16 pm]

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"Ayaya...I'm so bored. With a capital B, O, R, E, D! There has to be something to do while the news is this slow." Aya says to herself, facedown on her desk. Then she gets an idea. An awful idea. Aya got a wonderful, awful idea. "I know just what I'll do!"

And with that, she got up, and left her apartment, stretching her arms as she did. Then, when she got outside, she took off in a flash, far faster then the eye can follow. She knocked once on the chief's office door, and seemingly vanished without a trace. Oh this is going to be so much fun!
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[Oct. 30th, 2012|08:34 pm]

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You know, Edward, you really shouldn't invoke a devil, lest she appear.

Aya returned from Amestris, and, after a brief stop at the temple to grab some forms from them on an unrelated matter, headed over towards the office. As she approached, she could hear singing from inside the office. One voice she picked out immediately, and the other was unfamiliar. A woman's voice. But, more importantly, why in the world was the chief singing?

She knocks on the door.
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Finishing the Job. [Apr. 30th, 2012|10:18 pm]

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Aya smiles. It's time to put into action the last bit of trolling against the collective. She waits patiently for her chance, when the homunculus is out of the house, to strike. She walks up to the door and knocks, waiting politely on the doorstep with her journal in hand.
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More trollage [Mar. 30th, 2012|10:27 pm]

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Edward is inviting himself over to the Collective's house for a visit. He genuinely does want to visit and see how everyone's doing, but he also has an ulterior motive.

He knocks on the door.
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Moving In. [Mar. 27th, 2012|04:26 pm]

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[Current Mood |busy]

The Winry and Pinako of this group's Amestris has declared Ed fit to move away from being under their care, albeit with a warning to check in with the Winry there and let her know his current status.

Alfons has sent Ed to the landlord's office to sign the lease and is currently carrying part of his first load to the apartment along with Al.

So. Who feels like checking out the new people?

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Trolling the Troll [Mar. 25th, 2012|05:17 pm]

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A small crow lands on the windowsill of the collective's house, and gives a very loud caw. And does this repeatedly. Aya's been given her mission, and nothing's going to stop her. Have fun guys.
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Moving On [Mar. 25th, 2012|01:12 am]

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Now that Shou was up and healed, Momiji's time as a security guard was at it's end. Something kept tugging at her though, and it bothered her, even as she said her goodbyes. It wasn't but a few minutes after she left that someone, or at least something came back through.

Minutes later, a certain landlord might hear an annoying cawing at the window to his office.
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