March 10th, 2011

[info]his_evil_twin in [info]eighth_rpg

Owl to Parvati Patil )

[info]8th_wood in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Oliver Wood and Hermione Granger
What: Manly men sometimes aren't that manly and have to talk about feelings...
Where: Hermione&Ron's flat
When: backdated to Weds afternoon
Rating: low

His voice would only return when he would see her fall, his mother's beautiful face contorted in anguish and astonishment, and then his dream would end with his own screaming bringing him to the waking world. )

[info]ifyouseekcho in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Cho Chang and OPEN
What: Cho's alone and stressing out
Where: Just outside the Ministry
When: Friday lunchtime
Why: She's on her lunch break
Status: Open/Unfinished

Cho already couldn't wait for the day to be over )