February 10th, 2011

[info]weasleyis in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
What: Not really sure
Where: Their flat
When: Wednesday evening
Rating: Swearing. As Ron is prone to.

'Glad I'm not Seamus. Nice for someone else to feel the brunt of your wrath for once.' )

[info]weasleyis in [info]eighth_rpg

Patronus sent out to members of Dumbledore's Army, around eight p.m. )

Patronus sent out to remaining members of Dumbledore's Army, around ten p.m. )

[info]rabastandies in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: A hell of a lot of Death Eaters, Dumbledore's Army members, Order members, Ministry people, etc...
What: An unexpected ambush of a battle
Where: The Ministry of Magic
When: Late Thursday night
Rating: High for Violence

'Avada Kedavra.' ... Suddenly, it was all over. )

[info]bentwhistle in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Kevin Entwhistle and Lisa Turpin
What: Having no idea of the chaos happening in other parts of the city
Where: The roof of Kevin's apartment building
When: Thursday night
Rating: Average

You think this life would make me bolder. )