January 25th, 2011

[info]insufferable in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
What: A return and a surprise.
Where: Their flat.
When: Monday night.
Rating: No idea.

[info]rabastanlives in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Rabastan Lestrange and a talking portrait
What: A conversation and a revelation
Where: Somewhere secret
When: Tuesday evening
Rating: Low

'I can tell you where to find what it is that you and your brother are looking for.' )

[info]eighth_cissa in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Narcissa Malfoy and Draco Malfoy
What: The aftermath of Draco's meeting with Amycus Carrow
Where: Malfoy Manor
When: Backdated, Sunday night
Rating: High

She was a few pages into one of her old favorites, a book of Greek myths, when the wards went off. )

[info]imyourmoon in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Lia Moon and Harry Potter
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Lia's office
What: Bad news
Rating: Shrug?

Lia couldn't help but sigh: the last time Harry had come to her office, it had been a damn disaster. )