Egyptology and Egyptian Archaeology

A matter a million times true

August 29th, 2007

more golden mummies

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There's been quite a lot of them in the last few years, hasn't there? I guess newspapers like the "gold" bit.

Or it could just be the increased focus on excavating oases, since that's where they've all been found...

Anyway, from here:

Golden mummies found in el-Kharga

A French team has discovered in western Egypt a graveyard dating back to the Ptolemaic era, antiquity officials said yesterday. Most of the 25 tombs, found in the el-Kharga Oasis, New Valley Governorate, consist of a chamber 2 metres square and 1.45 metres high, they added. Six gold-painted mummies were also unearthed in good condition.

Papyri, gold masks, funerary beds and bronze shaving implements were also found as well as statues of the four children of the god Horus.
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