Mon, Jan. 25th, 2010, 09:39 am

Hey my awesome community!
I have returned from my seminar and overcome a crisis (Frozen pipes, -2°C inside my house, a mouse in my fridge (well, mouse is still there somewhere)) and I'm back to RP with you :D


Thu, Jan. 21st, 2010, 10:38 pm

Just FYI to the those waiting on the Defense Club thread and for Bella who I owe a post for...I'm
sick with a stomach bug. Will get to it
soon...hopefully tomorrow.

Thu, Jan. 21st, 2010, 04:40 pm
[info]falcons_fan: Helloooooo!

I'm so sorry I didn't get sorted out straight away - I'm a teaching student and just started at a new placement this week. But I'm now so, hey everyone!

My name's Vicky and I have a Harry Potter problem...well, I have a lot of 'problems'. I am an utterly self-confessed geek with interests in anime, manga, comics, tabletop roleplaying, pretty anything geeky under the Sun. Oh and forgot to mention the little matter of WoW :/ Also I am a total Ravendor, just so you know.

I'm looking forward to playing Harry. He is my favourite character from the books, and I will freely admit that. This may sound weird, but I have a number of different incarnations of him running around in my head and I'm looking forward to letting this AU version loose. If you are interested in the other versions I am considering putting up some fanfics *shocked face* on my actual IJ 'nixchan'.

I'm sad to see that Ron has gone :( But hey life goes on...

So yeah, I'm ready and raring to go now. Bring it on!

Mods - if there is anything I haven't done yet that I need to let me know...


Tue, Jan. 19th, 2010, 10:21 pm

So, it seems like we're completely split on where this comm should go..1 vote for liking it as it is, 2 votes for changes (more rigid plot guidance), 2 votes for turning this into a PSL comm for friends, 2 votes for closing/moving to other comms where recent drop-outs have shifted to.

Here's my thoughts...
I am all for making this comm work but I've asked for suggestions to guide plot and how you all can use your characters to move a story along, but unfortunately I've had little concrete response. Not anyone's fault entirely, but even those folks who are extremely active seem a bit lost as to where they'd like this comm to go or don't see any use for their characters to move plot forward. Perhaps some of this is my fault too, as I've been reluctant to push too much plot. The plot I had initially mapped out and tried to start sort of crashed and burned with the loss/inactivity of some players involved.

Besides a concrete plot, I think our comm suffers from not having enough active main characters to ground a story and for those of you who are students, not enough student body to have an active social RP.
Several of the members of this comm, both inactive and still active, have moved to another comm called 'Shattered' which our former Theo/Astoria-mun has taken over co-modding. They have a fairly large student population including a complete trio but are definitely lacking in adults. My thought is that perhaps those who want to move over there and our collective numbers should add up to a more active and plot-heavy comm.

I won't close Echoes yet until I hear a final say from you guys. Please do check out Shattered and let me know what you are most interested in doing at this point.

Tue, Jan. 19th, 2010, 09:17 pm

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know I may be a little slow this week, apparently my work doesn't think I need a day off lol.


Mon, Jan. 18th, 2010, 08:00 pm

Hi everyone.
We've lost our Theo Nott and Astoria Greengrass, as well as our Tonks and Sirius Black (due to inactivity).
Please update your friends list.

As we lose members at what is becoming an alarming rate, I again look to you guys for guidance to see where we want this comm to go...
Please take this survey (it's only 1 question, very short!) and let me know what you think....
Click here to take survey

Sat, Jan. 16th, 2010, 09:06 pm
[info]echo_mods: Adds and deletes...

Hi all,
Unfortunately we've lost our Hermione, so please update your friends list.
You get one more of the trio and lose two...and so it goes :(

Fri, Jan. 15th, 2010, 12:23 am

Hey folks.
I'm not feeling too great lately so I'll either not be playing at all or I'll be insanely slow till monday and then I will most likely not have access to the internet till Saturday next week (23rd).

After that I should be back and active again. Sorry for anyone I'm leaving hanging here, really x,.x

feel free to hit me...but only once am better, yes?


Wed, Jan. 13th, 2010, 04:35 pm

Hey everyone,

I wanted to apologise for my absence lately; the last few weeks have been crazy but I think it'll be better now :)

If anyone wants plot, has any ideas or whatever for Luna, Blaise or Roddy, let me know!


Wed, Jan. 13th, 2010, 07:03 am
[info]echo_mods: New character!

Please run your friends button! We've gained a Harry Potter! Lily and James, the prodigal son has returned ;-P

Mon, Jan. 11th, 2010, 12:53 am
[info]lisa_tot: ooc

sorry i have been mia. Tell my family members to stop dying. that would be helpful.

anyways what do you want my charries to do? James can go hump Lily's leg. The twins can turn everyone into animals or something and Lisa can well... be bored to death apparently.


Sun, Jan. 10th, 2010, 10:28 pm
[info]echo_mods: Important Mod Post...


Hi friends,

First off, we've lost our Ron and Pansy, as you saw. Please update your friends lists.

Second, I have been doing activity checks though I have not publicly said so. Those persons who are inactive currently I have contacted and am in discussions with a few folks about ways to get their activity back up. That being said, there are folks who will be deleted if they cannot participate more fully from this point onward.

This comm has also been advertising regularly. I do apologize if things feel slow around here, but as I said before, I cannot force people to write, plot, or participate. I am merely here as a facilitator and to keep this group moving as much as I can.

I have opened posts for suggestions, plotting, etc. before but there has been little to no participation. I do not, as a mod, want to force plot directly. In taking this community over, I hoped to keep the group story-telling mentality and excitement for participation that had been so active before. I do not play a Death-Eater, so as a mod, I can open discussion to what kind of things the Death Eaters want to do, but I can't do things for them. As a mod, I can suggest and ask for suggestions, but I can't write this game for you guys. I also can't force people to participate over a post a week. I know that some of us have more free time and interest than others. There will be weeks where some of us are more active than others.

So I guess this post is a question for all of you....where do we go from here? If you want this comm to succeed, you cannot rely on me alone. I want this to succeed, but there is only so much I can do. I'm sorry it's had to come to this, but part of my considers closing this if we can't band together and figure out where we're going.

What do you want to see? Should we, as a community, establish a time line from here on out with events to occur and then everyone will know what plot is happening and act it out? Should we keep going as we are and hope more things happen?

And lastly, if I've been a bit more absent lately, I apologize. I'm here and checking in, just not as visible online. I work in theatre so my workload goes in cycles depending on when shows open. This past few weeks have been INSANE.
Please, if you ever have questions or concerns about this comm, email me. I don't mind what you have to say. You can say I'm doing a total shit job and I'll take it :) Help me out guys! I do want this to work and I'm open to suggestions, as always!
PS This totally slipped my the start of a new term. Tomorrow is Monday the 11th, so let's make that our official start of Spring term. Welcome back students and teachers!

Mon, Jan. 11th, 2010, 03:45 pm

Well, I thought it appropriate to officially quit.  I would stay but there seems to be no point. I wanted to thank the people that wrote with me, and I will take Pansy and Ron out of the communities.  Good luck to all.


Tue, Jan. 5th, 2010, 11:36 pm

Hi all,
Hope you all had a happy New Year and good holiday season! I know things have been a little quiet around here lately, but Francis had been helping me advertise the community and hopefully now that folks are trickling back from vacation, things'll pick up again. If anyone has ideas for plot they'd like to see, please IM me and let me know! I'd love to get some action.

More exciting news...we've got ourself an Amycus Carrow, played by our darling Francis :)
So, please update your friends list

Mon, Dec. 28th, 2009, 08:48 pm

Hey guys. Unfortunately I am leaving for a vacation for a week tomorrow, and I will be internetless. So, Marcus will be not around for a while. But I will be back with some plot ideas, hopefully! I wanna get him involved in stuff. ;)


Sun, Dec. 27th, 2009, 09:14 pm
[info]echo_mods: New player!

Hello all! I hope you had a splendid holiday season! We've got a new player.....BELLATRIX!  Please run your friends button


Wed, Dec. 23rd, 2009, 07:41 pm

Hey sorry I have not been around (Amery and Astoria and Hermione!!! FAil!!)

After nursing sick hubby, he gave it to me!! Between that and dr. appointments, I have not been sleeping and feel like my head is in a bucket!  Soon to be back on I promise!

Happy Christmas and merry holidays to all!!!

Tue, Dec. 22nd, 2009, 12:00 pm

Where IS everyone?

Sat, Dec. 19th, 2009, 03:19 pm

Hi all,
Just wanted to check in! I understand that most of you are going to be rather busy over the next few weeks and understandably so! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! :-D

As we get further into playing, I wanted to open up a forum for more suggestions and perhaps some plotting. I want this to be a plot-heavy RP, but as your mod, I can only puppet so much. I can make moves with NPCs and my own characters that will hopefully spark some plots, but I can't guide the plot entirely for you...that's what you're here to play! I'd hoped maybe by bringing in a slightly contraversial teacher, we'd have some more student rebellion or a sort of grass-roots campaign among students against the appointment. But, no worries! There are lots of other opportunities for plot....but I need you guys to be pro-active and think outside the box! :)

So, below you are welcome to comment (even anonymously) about what you'd like to see. Check our contact list and talk with other players about mischief that your characters can get up to!

I'm trying to advertise this community frequently and hopefully with the upcoming holidays, some student-types will have free time and seek us out. If you've got friends who RP, send them our way. We'd really love to see more Death Eaters to help get a plot going.

Any student who wants an active plot role in something like a parent encouraging them to speak out pro-Voldemort/Triffo's torturers/etc., please IM me and I'm happy to NPC letters to students or scene as their parent. You are also welcome to NPC the parent yourself if you chat to me about it.

I'm thinking about an upcoming attack of sorts, but I'd also like your input on that. Why? when? what? where?
I've got an article coming out about Triffo's suspected attacker that should spark some conversation, but where we go from's up to you! :)

Thanks all, and again, happy holidays!
<3 Nat

Mon, Dec. 14th, 2009, 09:44 pm

Hi all!
Just a few game updates and some info on upcoming events!
Since it's just plain confusing to try to stick to a timeline two months earlier than real life, I think it's best we sort of fast-forward a bit and say that we're at Dec. 14th, 1995 rather than the arbitrary October date we've been flirting with.

Thanks to this date-jump, we're going to have a few fun winter activities. For students, we'll be having a Hogwarts Holiday Festival (dance and feast). For alums/adults/staff, they'll be a Holiday Pub Fest at Diagon Alley. Look for posts regarding these events towards the end of the week!

We're also going to do an in-game secret snowman swap! I will pair students with students, and adults/staff with other adults/staff. Comment below with your character's likes and interests below. Then, I will email you your secret snowman. There will then be a post where you can leave your gift for your assigned participant in an anonymous comment. It'll be fun to try to guess who go what for whom! :)

For example, if I were participating as Hagrid, I might comment with this:
Likes: Animals, mead, my dog Fang, hiking, exotic creatures.

And my secret snowman might leave me this:
Left for HAGRID, outside his hut and tied with a big yellow bow

The attached note says 'A pitcher for your drink and a treat for your pet. Happy holidays!'

If you want to participate, just comment on this post with your character's likes and favorite things!

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