Eaten by Weasels' Buffyverse Slash

A Fanfiction Archive

Copyright and What-Have-You

The characters featured in these stories are the creation and intellectual property of Joss Whedon.

The storytelling belongs to me, Eaten by Weasels. Permission to re-post or otherwise reproduce my fanfiction without prior consent is expressly withheld.

Thank you.


22nd March 2008

It's No Sacrifice. Giles/Ethan, Illyria. 12

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Here’s a story that didn’t get written up in time for [info]dovil’s arse-baby-athon. It’s dreadfully schmoopy and depressingly clean, but hopefully not without wit. So, bearing in mind enchanted candy and sacrifices to demon snakes, who in the Buffyverse would you least entrust with a baby? Illyria begs to differ....

It’s No Sacrifice. )
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