Eaten by Weasels' Buffyverse Slash

A Fanfiction Archive

Copyright and What-Have-You

The characters featured in these stories are the creation and intellectual property of Joss Whedon.

The storytelling belongs to me, Eaten by Weasels. Permission to re-post or otherwise reproduce my fanfiction without prior consent is expressly withheld.

Thank you.


22nd March 2008

Warts and All. Ethan/Andrew, Spike. 15

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My Ethan Ficathon Piece

[info]entrenous88 asked for fine scotch and a promise to cure a demon, set after “A New Man”. So, in a hopeless collision of timelines after that point, here’s free!Ethan, soulless!chipped!Spike, and hostage!Andrew, some liquid refreshment and a rather embarrassing affliction, in:

Warts and All, (1414 words, rated R) )

Notes for non-British readers:

*Delia Smith is a tv cook and cookery writer of rather wholesome character.
*Clan Dew is a wine/whisky blended drink. No posh bloke worth his salt would be caught dead drinking it. Spike, on the other hand....

Two Andrew drabbles: A sad one, then a silly one to cheer you up again. Up to 15

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Two Andrew drabbles. A sad one, then a silly one to cheer you up again.

Looking On )

Unappreciated )

Finders Keepers. Ethan/Andrew. 12

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Ever the opportunist, our Ethan....

Finders Keepers )
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