Earth 12 OOC's Journal
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Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

    Time Event
    H-hi there :D This is Kai, being dragged in by the wonderful people to play comics continuity Tim Drake. I'm taking him post ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD but pre WAIT MY GIRLFRIEND WAS JUST HIDING IN AFRICA so yes, maximum angst :3?

    I look forward to playing with all of you, and I'm pretty much always available on AIM with the screename sugarlupus (it's never ORDINARY lupus).

    Yes. :D?

    EDIT: duh also the Robin shenanigans will happen on [info]3rdtimesacharm so add that one too. *n00b* *goes to look up ij code, too used to LJ*

    Lina is amazing B3


    And this Robin guy, totally different he swears

    Breaking news: Del wins the universe.
    Have some icons, fellow time-travelers. Art courtesy of our Hiro.

    They're breaking the continuity... of crime.

    Anybody wants to anigif some of this business, I am all for that.

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