Earth 12 OOC's Journal
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Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

    Time Event
    Howdy, people! I am Eva, here as everybody's favorite (smartass kids notwithstanding): the one, the only--er, the second, anyway--Blue Beetle! Otherwise known as the illustrious Ted Kord. Thank you, thank you; you may take your seats. We'll be getting busy just as soon as we're joined by our good buddy Booster Gold momentarily. Really, he should be here any second.

    I'm your average somewhat-busy working college undergrad, but I aim to be around for the party as much as possible. You can reach me by AIM at RedVelvetMorgue (feel free to laugh) on US Eastern time zone evenings (and weekends). I'm snarky but I won't bite unless you want me to. 8D

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