Earth 12 OOC's Journal
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Sunday, January 18th, 2009

    Time Event
    Hi everybody! [appropriate crowd response: "Hi, Doctor Nick!"]

    I'm Del, your average everyday working stiff white girl in Japan. I'll be playing Delirium of the Endless, wandering about Gotham, talking to herself, and probably ending up a big headache for whoever has to lead her around ^^;
    When I'm online (far too much lulz) I'm usually on Skype --> alittledelirious
    I will try to remember to be on AIM as well, tho I don't use it much anymore --> rockartistkitty

    Uhhmmmmm that's all for now :B

    Current Mood: dorky
    Hi everyone~

    This is Lobsang from the Discworld book series. At home he was something like time incarnate, but here, he's just another kid making his way on Earth 12.

    I go by Crissy and you can find me on AIM as "wasoneofthem". Um, see y'all around!

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