escapist art fictional - November 16th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
escapist art fictional

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November 16th, 2006

Betty the Blow-up Doll. [Nov. 16th, 2006|07:00 pm]


Title: Betty the Blow-up Doll.
Author: Escapist_Art
Pairing: DM/BB
Word Count: 3,760
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Sadly, I know neither Dominic Monaghan, nor Billy Boyd. This is a fictional tale only meant for entertainment purposes. None of this is fact, and though the characters may be based on real people, this story is in no way a reflection of their true characters or lives.
Summary: Sharing can be fun.
Author's Notes: Why they named her Beatrice, and not something nicer, like Delilah, I'll never know. The point is that they were both a little drunk, and both very horny, and she came with more than one opening. There would be no harm in sharing her, would there?

Betty the Blow-up Doll. )
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