You have found your destiny - September 28th, 2008
At his side

User: [info]dz_angel (posted by [info]betsyb)
Date: 2008-09-28 08:00
Subject: Dead Zone fandom history
Security: Public

Fan History Wiki is a wiki project dedicated to documenting the history of fandom. There is an article about Dead Zone which could really use some help with getting the history of the Dead Zone fandom documented . It could answer questions like: What were events that happened in the fandom? How big is the fandom? What were th influential fanworks in the fandom? How would you describe the history of the fandom on LiveJournal and InsaneJournal? What are terms specific to the Dead Zone fandom? Any help in answering those questions would be appreciated.

Fan History also has an article which tracks the size of the Dead Zone fan fiction community. It looks like the Dead Zone fandom does not have a large presence on multifandom archives. Explaining why that is, why there are not ne stories being published, would be fantastic.

We also have a directory of Dead Zone fans. (The most popular of these articles are  BethCarielle , Medie , Karrenia , Pairatime and The Mad Fangirl .)  It would be great to see the existing 67 articles improved and new articles added.  The directory could be really help in terms of highlighting good works done by members of the fandom, such as who organized what fandom oriented charity drive, or the bad things that people did, such as plagiarize or steal other people's fan art.  


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September 2008