Doctor Who Icontest
Through the Vortex and Back Again

Blue Siofra posting in Doctor Who Icontest
User: [info]blue_siofra
Date: 2010-07-04 00:31
Subject: Challenge 67: One color
Security: Public
Tags:# submissions, . color, 67

Basic challenge guidlines are here.

  • You may use only the screencaps provided below.
  • You may submit up to THREE different icons for this challenge. Blending the screencaps is allowed. Submit them in a comment to this post; all comments will be screened.
  • Any kind of textures, brushes, gradients, text, etc. are allowed; animation is not.
  • It's a one-week challenge. Icons will be due no later than MIDNIGHT Saturday July 10.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and have fun!

This week's challenge is: One Color. Pick any color you wish, and make it the promenent color in your icon. This can be done by dulling the other colors, with a texture, by coloring it in with that color, etc. And don't think you have to stick to that color either ^_^ (an example could be my icon here)

The cap(s) used are your choice! There are a list of soruces here.

Happy iconing!

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