Doctor Who Icontest - October 2nd, 2011
Through the Vortex and Back Again

immortalje posting in Doctor Who Icontest
User: [info]dwicontest (posted by [info]immortalje)
Date: 2011-10-02 12:32
Subject: Hello
Security: Public
Tags:!mod post

Since [info]blue_siofra seems to be absent and I was asked to take over (until [info]blue_siofra is back or we reach a different agreement).
UPDATE: I had let [info]blue_siofra know about taking over and she got back to me to tell me that she has been without internet since August and that she doesn't know when she can turn it back on. So for now you have to deal with me :)

The last poll about which images to use and which spoilers to avoid has been a while ago(since season 4 was airing I think). So I wanted to ask again :)

1) Starting when do you want to see images from episodes?
-> A week after the episode aired in the UK? A week after it aired in the US (In this case: How long does it usually take to air in the US? Just so I know how long to wait)? After the season finished airing completely (starting with the earlier episodes)?

2) What kind of challenges do you want?
-> Character specific? Episode specific? Specific techniques (e.g. textures, cropping,...)? Other themes?
-> Feel free to make suggestions or comment with wishes for specific characters, episodes or other challenge ideas!

3) Since participation tends to be a bit low - how many of you are interested in entering the challenges? Would you be more interested with a different schedule or longer lasting challenges? Is there anything else that could tempt you?

4) Any other comments?

Comments will be screened, so don't worry about bringing up anything :)

Additionally, there are only 3 votes for Challenge 79. I would like to see at least 1 or 2 more votes before I close the voting!

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