Doctor Who Icontest - April 11th, 2010
Through the Vortex and Back Again

Blue Siofra posting in Doctor Who Icontest
User: [info]dwicontest (posted by [info]blue_siofra)
Date: 2010-04-11 00:47
Subject: Challenge 58: The End of the World
Security: Public
Tags:+ the end of the world, 58

Basic challenge guidelines are here.

  • You may use only the screencaps provided below.
  • You may submit up to THREE different icons for this challenge. Blending the screencaps is allowed. Submit them in a comment to this post; all comments will be screened.
  • Any kind of textures, brushes, gradients, text, etc. are allowed; animation is not.
  • It's a one-week challenge. Icons will be due no later than MIDNIGHT Saturday April 17.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and have fun!

Click on the thumbnails to get to the full size image.

The World doesn't end because the Doctor dances...or does it?

Caps are from one of our resources listed in the profile.

Happy iconing!

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Blue Siofra posting in Doctor Who Icontest
User: [info]dwicontest (posted by [info]blue_siofra)
Date: 2010-04-11 00:56
Subject: Voting Challenge 57!
Security: Public
Tags:# voting, 57

- Vote for your favorite three icons in order of preference in a comment to this post.
- All comments will be screened.
- Three points are awarded for each first place vote, two points for each second place vote, and one point for each third place vote.
- Please don't vote for your own icon(s).

Because there are fewer than ten entries, only first, second and third places will be awarded this week; no mod's choice award


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Blue Siofra posting in Doctor Who Icontest
User: [info]dwicontest (posted by [info]blue_siofra)
Date: 2010-04-11 03:00
Subject: Banners for future challenges
Security: Public
Tags:!mod post, * captan jack harkness, * donna noble, * martha jones, * nine, * rose tyler, * ten, * the master, - banners

Okay, for the sake of streamlining everything and less stress on everyone, I've made a bunch of banners for future challenge winners. Yes, I know at the moment it's a bit series 3 light, but I'll be adding more here eventually. Also, if you would like to make some, don't feel shy about making some and posting them in the comments!

The Doctor )

Companions )

Grab Bag )

Last updated: 11 April 2010 Sets total: 14

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