Doctor Who Icontest - December 27th, 2008
Through the Vortex and Back Again

User: [info]dwicontest (posted by [info]autumnjoy)
Date: 2008-12-27 20:10
Subject: Challenge 33: Reminder and Extension
Security: Public
Tags:# extention, # reminder, 33

Right now there are three people entered in the current challenge. I was on the fence for a while about whether or not to extend the challenge. I hesitated because I extended two challenges lately and don't want to make a habit of doing that. But I eventually decide to go ahead and do it, since it's been a busy holiday week for so many people. So you've got one more week to icon Rose in The Girl in the Fireplace. New due date is Saturday, January 3rd, 2009.

I hope everyone who celebrates it had a great Christmas!

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