Doctor Who Fest - August 10th, 2008

immortalje posting in Doctor Who Fest
User: [info]dw_fest (posted by [info]immortalje)
Date: 2008-08-10 22:34
Subject: Update!
Security: Public
Tags:!dates, !mod

So, we've got 34 prompts now (unless I counted wrong ;)) and I figure it's enough. As such, I will close prompt submission on Friday (15 August!) at midnight (CET) to give everybody time to get prompts in they had been sitting on :D. Hopefully, if I'm up and at home, I'll get the claiming post up. That will be open until Monday (18 August) same time. After that you've got 2 months to post (since nobody offered a different suggestion) your stories (18 October! That's a Saturday)

The minimum length is 500 words.

For questions, check out the rules.

Quick form for dates:
Prompt Submission: until 15 August 2008
Claiming: 16 August until 18 August 2008
Posting Period: 19 August until 18 October 2008

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