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Jan. 5th, 2016


Harry? Let's eat in tonight. I'm making dinner. Which will be ready in twenty minutes, if you're wondering what that nice smell is when you come in. There may also be some desert to share as well. Some of that can be on us like our first meeting, and then we can Mm, I really want you right now

Jan. 4th, 2016


Hmm, most interesting. Learned something after coming back from Hell. Specifically, the records department. Looked over those that deal with souls, which we get from Earth a lot, which is quite normal. Including information on their origins, life, names, lineage, sins, etc., all that stuff. Which there's a few who run the huge system that organizes all that And I discovered.. I could not seem to find a single record of any departed soul from here, from Dutchland. I might pop up to Heaven and see about their records, I'd bet it's the same for them too Quite odd, I admit. My company is also doing pretty good too, R&D is close to a couple breakthroughs from their experiments. And hopefully they will yield some good results very soon.

Now, for my family whom I will always be grateful for. Pick a place in this world. Any place. Why, you might ask? Vacation! Yes, I'm going to plan a vacation or few. We've lived here in this little town for quite some time, looked at the same things, and all that. I bet some of us want to see something different for a change. And.. well, let's face it, with the tragedies we've had recently and recovered from. Such as all of mine and Enigma's children being killed by a goddamn angel We could certainly use some time away, to relax, unwind, have fun, spend quality time together. So - all of us, pick out places and we can go next week if we want. I'd like to see Rome or Paris, maybe see a few museums, or the Dutch equivalent of Disney World.

ETA; Also, before I forget. Trips includes extended family also. Like... Ally, Maxxie, John and his kid Connor, Katherine, etc. And of course Dutch, if you want to come since you're family also. I know you can just poof anywhere, but you're welcome to socialize with us at wherever we decide on going to. :)

Jan. 2nd, 2016


Have to admit, Methos did pretty good with opening this gym. I'm thinking I might teach a class or two in there as well. But for now... time to go in for a good workout. I do so love working up a good sweat. :)

Jan. 1st, 2016


Happy New Year! Resolutions? Didn't think of any. I already do all that I am able to, and making a little resolution or vow to do something I had already planned on doing.. eh, a tad pointless. But how about not losing anyone else in this family Or trying to make sure my kids listen to me next time we have a crisis Actually, they can make resolutions to listen and heed my concerns next time I want Thorn to not feel like he's a secondhand heir, he is worth just as much as Oh, kids! And Enigma? That new movie of Star Wars is out. How about we go there this weekend and see it? I'll pay for the viewing and popcorn. Oh wait no, I own the town so they'll just give it to us. My bad, lol.

[Private - Lucifer/Damien]
Father? I need to talk to you about something. It's important. Possibly. Then again, it may just be all smoke and flatulence. I just want to be certain. Also, I wish to thank you for all you have given me and hope you had a good.. err, do we even call it Christmas now, does it even apply? Maybe... Lucimas, or Godmas, ThornYule, LuciYule.. oh well, whatever nevermind. See what I did there Ohhh wait, I can go to other side now and get Cobain's autograph Thank you. But when you have free time, I may like to speak to you soon.

Dec. 29th, 2015


Private to Valentine

Hi, cutie. So did you like my gifts? Maybe we can put a couple of those to good use. Together. In private. In one of my club's VIP rooms, which you have one free card for. It seems I am both horny and bored... maybe you can help me fix that. Without clothes, of course. :)

Dec. 26th, 2015


Well, that is finally done. Neff is now promoted to General. Speaking of... kneel before Zod! Ha, kidding. But really, he was promoted this week. And as a higher rank, he was able to help me secure one of the few wedding presents for my son Thorn. I hope he will like it. I definitely would if it were me. But, shhh. Secret.

Oh hey, Thorn? Lucien? Any time soon you will have a meeting with your troops or followers? I'd be happy to stop by as a guest speaker and say hi, if you'd like. They might like it. You know, seeing your father, and of course because I also happen to be partial ruler of this world, and of Hell. Hm, might even help you add even more numbers of new recruits to our great service.


Good news! Dojo is open for business., located here [address] And easily affordable. Taught material will be various martial arts styles, including weapons like swords, staff, chain whip, knives, etc. I will be open to taking on private lessons, especial for sword practice.

If any other who has fighting skill, come see me and maybe you will be hired as an extra assistant or teacher. My name is Methos. Contact is here [phone and email info].


Holy fuck, that was fun! Lucifer, and Scorpius, Connor, all the other hot guys who came Oh they definitely came, haha Ohhh, so exhausted now. And worth every moment of it. So those that came, thanks. I could tell we all enjoyed ourselves. Well... not really ourselves. Each other, to be more accurate. Really needed that. In fact - I'd say I'm willing to host the event more often, say once a month, or for a weekend every couple weeks. Though if a guy wanted to have a little fun with me just for the two of us sometime, I'm free for that. Maybe even tonight. :)

Oh. And I hope everyone liked their gifts. Good thing about being a club owner and aide to the Mayor, I can afford to spend money on others' gifts when I want to. I even picked out a nice suit for myself to wear as best man to the wedding. When is that, by the way? Is there a date set? I want to make extra sure I'm prepared for whenever it is. I wish my friends were around, like Chris, I bet he'd want to go with me to it. He's gone though. I remember the funeral shenanigans, which were amusing. See, his dad was an ass and didn't want us there, so Sid and Tony stole his coffin so we could have our own funeral for him.. but then they had to give it back. Crazy times.

Dec. 25th, 2015


Happy Birthday to my dear, sweet baby Mary who joined us this morning at 3am.


Umm... right, like Damien said. Orgy. We're having one at the Sinful Delights nightclub from noon til six this afternoon. Any single and attractive people (and there are so many hotties here, ooohhh yes) are encouraged to come over and enjoy it. I plan to partake of it too. I need this Need a distraction since my former life partner isn't with us this year now and sex with a lot of guys like Val or Cheshire will make me less mournful of the past

Oh, and also. I hired a nice young guy as a bartender to serve any drinks during the brief break times. Don't worry, it will all be free for you. On the house. I'm paying him under the table a little extra price for incentive. Though... I might occasionally be doing other things for him under the table too. Heh.


Merry Christmas to all. Hope everyone that got presents from me will like them once opened. Ohh, but this is a special day for other reasons than the holidays. It's also the day our twin sons were born. Lucien and Thorn, happy birthday! Let's go have lunch or something. And the babies can go see the elephant thing, and then ice cream.

And I wish you both to know I love you, and that I am and will always be proud of you. Even when you didn't listen to me during the time Michael was picking us off And I'm glad to have all of my children back. Except the other one who didn't but it's his choice and at least he's safe where no one will ever hurt him again, and plus Mikey is gone so that's a bonus too Oh! Party will be tonight at Thorn Manor. All invited. I understand Maxxie is also hosting an orgy over at his club this afternoon too, all single folk are of course welcome to go there as well.


OOC: Christmas presents! Details below.


Gifts )

Dec. 23rd, 2015


[Males Only]

Well, that was a good workout, worked up a nice sweat. Almost as good as quidditch. Nothing would top sex with a hot guy though Planning to shower in a bit, but... it would be a real shame if I did so alone. Someone should come join me. Right now. ;)


Planning to do a bit of holiday shopping for my son tomorrow. But see.. part of shopping for him at this time means he shouldn't see what I'm getting for him, and others. So who feels like watching him for a bit? Enigma, you're my first choice since you're his mom. And he can hang around little versions of Thorn, Lucien, and Delia, get to know his stepfamily a bit better

Also. Have a question. Any of you ever been driving and got stopped by the police for something minor, and they were kinda jerks about it? It's funny though. Happened to me once and I swear... I could smell bacon. Hmm, weird.

Dec. 19th, 2015


Well, I know a couple guys and two babies who have a birthday next week! It will be a blast. So on that day in the large ballroom in Thorn Mansion will also be a Christmas party with drinks, gift giving, and stuff. Might have a big dinner banquet before that. And possibly an orgy event after all that too for interested participants I'd announce that too, but hey why not let it be a surprise

I learned something else too. You know how we all went to the hospital clinic a while back, specifically in the terminal ward area? When we sent messages with those "departing" to give to our other Lucien on the other side. Well.. umm. Might not have been the only way. See, turns out I can go up there directly. Take it to the source instead of depending on ghosts to pass it on. And I can go to Hell in person also, but yeah.. Heaven also. You know, if anyone else here has stuff to tell their deceased relatives and friends, tell me and I can go to them myself.

Dec. 9th, 2015


Finally, the statue is finished. Erm, I had a professional sculptor create a statue of Lucien, he had pictures to draw from which was kinda hard for me to look at those again, reminds me of what I lost And of course I supervised the project from start to end to make sure it was all done right. It's great. Has wings, nice suit, actually looks quite majestic right there near the front entrance lot area of my nightclub. And hot It should be there so people know who owned the club first I bet if Kat's Lucien stood next to it, the formation would look just like him too, that's how perfect it is

Now. Speaking of the club, which is called Sinful Delights. There will be a Christmas theme during the last couple weeks of the season. And will have a bit of egg nog type drinks included temporarily. Ohh, and any new people, first nights you drink free. Family always drinks free though. And any guys who slept with me get free stuff, but shh don't tell about that Hey, Enigma? Any updates or duties I need to see too in City Hall before I go for the day? Or maybe another gay porn movie for me to review?

Nov. 22nd, 2015


We need to talk, Little Timothy.

Nov. 9th, 2015


I'd really like to have Thanksgiving. I know, Effie will need bed rest but maybe we can bring a bed to the dinner just in case, or maybe one of my really comfy recliner chairs.

There will be a Christmas dinner and party though. Which is also the birthday of my two awesome sons Lucien and Thorn. Which is double the presents. Speaking of.. Lucien, I need to see you urgently. You're not in trouble, I just need a favor for something, won't take long.

[Private to Dutch]
I need a favor. But.. um, it's sort of a huge one. And personal. For me, anyway. But I wouldn't ask of it if it wasn't really important.

Nov. 3rd, 2015


Damon, considering your little bitch can't do anything more strenuous than lifting a remote, why don't you come by my office for lunch and some time with a woman who can actually take care of you.

Oct. 28th, 2015


~Reality Break~

Given that we have new members (or members that weren't paying attention), here is a basic recap of Dutchland:

The town of Dutchland is basically a bubble word, a world between all worlds that is fueled by the cast and thus created by them. Anything you can imagine exists, no matter the logic or physics. Some things have already been put in place via game play:

Town Square (uh, rather exactly like it says, it's a plaza in the center of town shaped in a square. Has a giant statue of Damian in the middle (Effie occasionally vandalizes it). Thorn Industries Tower (Where Damien works), City Hall (Big ass gothic building, where Enigma and Maxie work), Salvatore Inn (bed and breakfast in a replica of the Salvatore Mansion), The Purple Elephant ('s a purple Elephant, hangs out around 3rd street and Vine, landmark, eats peanuts). These cannot be changed (though the general items around them or in them can) as more than one person uses them, but everything else, can change at a moment's notice or whim.

The city government is as follows: Damian as the ruler of Earth, Enigma as Mayor, then the City Council (NPC's), then the sheriff. Dutch can override all of this of course, but it's dutch, she tends to ignore everyone.

The town is populated by 'grey people', NPC's who have lives and live them as we all do, but have no real relation to us or the game. They are beings created by Dutch who live and die and eventually will cycle back through with a different name and life (because seriously, Dutch isn't creative to make thousands of generations of people. They exist just as any normal human does, with all the same physiology and biology. Basically, they're humunculi, created humans.

All the houses are basically free, as is power, heating, the normal stuff that runs a house, however Dutch has placed people either by their past, their station in life, or tastes (ie: Sarah Banner-Stark and Tony live in Avengers Tower, while Jonathan and Bruce take up a Wayne Manor/Arkham Asylum mashup and Anna, when not with Timmy, lives in a small cottage, [okay, there is a cottage, she mostly lives with Timmy]). You are free to create this however you want, but keep in mind the 'realistic' ideas Dutch would have, given your character's relationship with her and/or social/class standing. If your character is poor, their not getting a mansion, sorry. Also, no mansion gets to outrank Thorn Manor given that they basically rule (literally) the world.

We have one plot that may be coming with Gin gets a bit and I have something in mind, but I want to make sure I'm well enough for it after the Hyrule disaster. Speaking of, here is the summary of what happened off screen: Link and Link (Heroes of Time and Twilight respectively) ended up resorting the Twilight mirror to contact Midna and get her to save Link. Midna did so, removing the twilight shard from Link's arm, but resorting his personal connection to the Twilight (and thus her), allowing him to keep his wolf form (sorry Klaus, your E still has a pack) and his darker powers. Lots of happy rejoicing and everyone got sent home...and someone extra *dodododododo!*

And that's about it! Go! Play!

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