May. 17th, 2008


FIC: Friends in Strange Places (PG)

Title: Friends in Strange Places
Rating: PG
Characters: Luna Lovegood, Bill Weasley, OMC
Summary: Somehow Luna managed to make friends everywhere she went, with the most unexpected individuals.
Notes: Originally written as part of the wacky fest that was Nanowrimo, but this bit stands alone.

(August 2007, The Valley of the Kings, Egypt)
links to my journal

Dec. 19th, 2007


Dose of Luna

Click on me )

Dec. 11th, 2007


Dose of Luna

I collected a bunch of links of Luna art and fics from InsaneJournal as well as the smutty_claus fest going on at JournalFen. Enjoy. :)

Click on me )

Aug. 24th, 2007


In the Eye of the Beholder

Title: In the Eye of the Beholder
Author:[info]_ky_ (kyfairie on LJ)  
Rating: Pg
Characters/Pairing: Draco/Luna
Warnings: Um...It's Draco and Luna, But, it's Pre-Romance, so none, really
A/N: This was inspired by a line in Rotton Wood by [info]roma_fics   and then [info]nicbemused   fed the plot bunny beautifully on the Cipher Forum until, alas, I had no choice but to write it. Then, it was suggested that I post it here. So, 'ello, this is my first posting. I did not have a beta for this story, all errors are my own. 

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these beautiful characters, I only play, and dream, and make no money. If I did own them,  I would also own a pink 1967 Fastback Mustang just so my huband would cringe ever time he saw it, knowing that he finally had his dream car... but it was pink. However, that is the only malace intended with this story. heh.

Summary: Draco Malfoy's final year at Hogwarts was not what he expected it to be. However, one of the strangest days had to be the day that he went into the Forbidden Forest, and met a girl who was barefoot and comfortable with death.

Aug. 20th, 2007


Title: Rainbow
Author: Bridget McKennitt
Characters or Pairings: Luna
Prompt: Light
Rating: G

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Written for [info]luna100.