Draco Ships :: Anything Draco...

October 8th, 2012

Draco Ships :: Anything Draco...


October 8th, 2012

A Curious Conversation

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Title: A Curious Conversation |on AO3
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood
Disclaimer:I own nothing and make no profit from all of this.
Word Count:1311
A/N:for the prompt 'initial' on my Draco/Luna prompt table. For Gamma, as I doubt very much that I would be writing this pair without her enthusiasm for it.
Summery: Over the Christmas holidays, Draco ponders the fact that a classmate is locked up several floors below his feet. He gets curious, worried, and goes searching for answers to questions he didn't even know he wanted to ask.
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