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Jul. 18th, 2011


Prompt 154: Family

Happy Monday! It's time, once again, for a new prompt.

Prompt 154: Family

Family is important to the Malfoys and I think it's not a spoiler to say that's true in the final film as well. This week focus on what family means to the Malfoys and if you do incorporate new movie canon, please use a cut and warn for spoilers.

Thanks so much to [info]alisanne for taking the helm last week. *cuddles* She also wrote Making a Stand for the prompt, Great Hall.

Next week the lovely [info]sdk will have the honor *g* of posting. I'll see you again in two weeks!

Jul. 15th, 2011


Making a Stand

Title: Making a Stand
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: PG
Word count: 100 x 5
Characters/pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Challenge: While this was written for [info]draco100's prompt #153: Great Hall, it is also a continuation of my [info]dracoharry100 series Promises and Lies. What, you're surprised? I was given the opportunity to choose this week's [info]draco100 prompt, so I picked something that worked for me. I'm Slytherin, remember? ;)
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
Beta: [info]sevfan
Authors Notes: It's time to show true loyalties. This is part twenty-five in my Promises and Lies Series, and will make the most sense if you read the earlier parts first. Those are: Liar, Time to Compromise, Following His Heart, Sticking Together, A Proper Godfather, The Dangers of Diagon, No Going Back, Facing the Dragon, Finding the Cup, Great Escape, The Last Laugh, Living on a Prayer, Cold Welcome, The Unwanted Truth, Breaking In, Haven, With Wits About Him, Standing By Hogwarts, The Prodigal Returns, Choosing Sides, Report, Unexpected Reunion, Proven Patriotism, and Inevitable.

Making a Stand

Jul. 11th, 2011


Prompt 153: Great Hall

Happy Monday, everyone!
[info]alisanne here, filling in for our usual mod, [info]torino10154. I hope we're all ready for a new prompt. :)

Prompt 153: Great Hall

Whether Draco's plotting Gryffindor's downfall or just there to eat and perhaps recover from a wild weekend, see if you can work the Great Hall into this week's drabble. (BTW, I scanned the list of previous prompts but didn't see this one. If I somehow missed it and it's a repeat, mea culpa!)

Thanks for last week's lovely drabbles written for last week's prompt, Muggle Sport. That Draco is quite *tilts head* athletic. ;)

[info]beautyfulevil wrote Crisps and, Chips and Beer
[info]rebecca_seline wrote Spectator Sport
[info]alisanne wrote Getting Ideas

I know Tory told you to behave for me, but really, bad behavior is behavior, too, so have fun! *g*