May 2014




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Mar. 8th, 2014


Who: Lyra and Graham
What: A stand-off
When: Recently
Where: Botanical Gardens
Warnings: There be a heck of a lot of creepy.

His wife was not a sacrificial lamb he’d offered up to the man he worked for and had he thought, for one second, that her life would be in danger he’d have sent her far, far away, as he had with his son. There was no blood left to give )

Mar. 5th, 2014


Who: Andrew and Trystan
What: IDEK - being them
Where: Andrew's Winter Palace
When: January
Warnings/Rating: M (mentions of drug use, swearing)

Welcome to the New Year )


Who: All Gothamites!
What: A charity ball
Where: The Gotham Hotel
When: Gothtopia
Warnings/Rating: Warn for adult content in subject lines, please.

The banquet was, even by Wayne standards, opulent. The ballroom inside the old and storied hotel was unrivaled in the city. Lobster and steak were served, and the bar was open to all guests. A band played contemporary favorites and classical numbers, and the dance floor was filled with socialites wanting to shake hands with the benefactor of the evening. Upstairs, unused conference rooms offered a slight bit of privacy, and all of the hotel's rooms were rented by Mr. Wayne for the evening, with their doors unlocked for guests needing to "freshen up."

All proceeds from the very expensive tickets were earmarked for children's charities throughout the city, and representatives from those charities were present to discuss the eventual plans for the money. All in all, like everything else in Gotham that day, it was a wonderful turnout.


Who: Liam
What: A narrative
Where: His room
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None

Read more... )

Mar. 4th, 2014


Who: Wolf and Phantom
What: Wolf gets to hear some pretty music.
Where: An abandoned church in the Tales door.
When: After V-Day.
Warnings/Rating: None!

But all dreams died eventually, and he had resigned himself to solitude, to playing only for himself, where sound echoed down empty halls carved of stone where water rippled as though it heard. )
Tags: ,


Tales Door: Mulan

Who: Mulan
When: March 4
Where: Through the Tales Door
What: A narrative: Mulan finds her way home
Rating: No warnings, just her first trip through the door

For now, for tonight, she was home )

Mar. 3rd, 2014


Who: Jack and Evie
What: Discussions in a pillow fort.
Where: Luke and Wren's place
When: Valentines Day
Warnings: This log includes discussions of Evie's childhood and past (including emotional, physical, and sexual abuse of a child), but nothing graphic by any stretch of the imagination. And it includes sad things and happy things. And Evie turning into a cranky cat. So it has that going for it.

So don't turn away now, I am turning in revolution, these are the scars that silence carved on me )

Mar. 2nd, 2014


Who: Luke and Wren
What: Valentine anniversary. (1/2)
Where: Rumor Hotel.
When: Backdated to Valentine's day.
Warnings/Rating: None.

She didn't care about his pronounciation. Whenever he spoke French it made her breathless, and such a tiny thing to make every other thing fade. )


Who: Eddie & Crane
What: A little meeting & the the first steps to Gothtopia
Where: New Arkham Asylum
When: Recently!
Warnings/Rating: Some description of death/suicide.

The riddled man was known for his rambling, but this was the first time it sounded a little manic. His mind snapped from one subject to the next, his dark eyes moving as if he was trying to keep up with himself. 'Is this why you came back? Did they put in some fucking jacuzzis or something?' His language had gotten worse, too. Thanks, Stephanie Brown. )

Mar. 1st, 2014


Who: Selina, Doctor Banner, and Tony
What: Being put under
Where: Marvel
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None

Tony rolled his eyes at Selina's attempt at influencing their decision to be within such close proximity to her skull, a distinctly annoyed, entirely unsympathetic expression that suited his face rather too well. )


Who: Bruce and Helena
What: Grief.
Where: An alley in Gotham.
When: Backdated to after this.
Warnings/Rating: Feels, sads, violence.

'Trying doesn't always mean succeeding!' She screamed at him. After all, she'd jammed a piece of mirror into her own throat in an attempt to end her own life and failed absolutely miserably. )


Who: Bruce and Death
What: Laz Pit retrieval.
Where: A bus stop in Gotham.
When: Err around Valentine's Day.
Warnings/Rating: Nope.

The transit stop wasn't deserted, but those people that did pass by seemed to not notice her at all. )

Feb. 28th, 2014


WHO Selina and Stephanie.
WHAT Mourning a baby bird.
WHEN Recently, before the bomb.
WHERE A Gotham rooftop. Where else?
WARNING sads. lots of sads.
'I think you're giving me credit for being much more sentimental than I am.' )


Who: Grant Evans & Felix Larsen
What: A meeting
Where: Francesca's bar
When: Recently!
Warnings/Rating: None

He turned his gaze towards the bartender and paused, eyebrows raising slightly as a jolt of familiarity coursed through him. )

Feb. 26th, 2014


Who: MK and Wren (+Delilah and Gus)
What: A visit
Where: The zoo
When: Recently, before the bombness in Gotham
Warnings/Rating: Nope

MK had missed Wren immensely. Oh, there were days she loathed Wren with every fiber of her being, days where she couldn't look past how she and Luke apparently loved to rub their happy, happy life in her face. But, she missed the girl who hung out with her in that dirty, broken apartment. Who drank red wine until it stained their lips. Who stayed up late on that busted couch talking about the boys they loved. )


Who: Selina
What: Narrative: Going BOOM
Where: Marvel
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Nope

The message lit up Selina's phone about an hour after she went through the Marvel door. )

Feb. 25th, 2014


Who: Kara (And Oliver Queen in italics)
What: Eavesdropping
Where: Washington
When: Recently

There was nothing in Star City. )

Feb. 24th, 2014


WHO Eddie and Steph [Pt. 2 o' 2].
WHAT Valentine's Day.
WHERE Gotham's Museum of Natural History.
WARNING feelings, presents, cuteness.
Being so close to him, pressed underneath him, and him calling her beautiful in a way that sounded like a fact? Stephanie Brown would never, ever get used to that. )


WHO Eddie and Steph [Pt. 1 o' 2].
WHAT Valentine's Day.
WHERE Gotham's Museum of Natural History
WARNING it's these two. the usual. 2qt2care.
When was the last time you admitted something to me? If this were a game, I think asking you to move in with me would put a point in my box for dumb bravery. )

Feb. 23rd, 2014


Who: Max
What: Narrative
Where: L.V.
When: Just after Corvus' poisoning
Warnings/Rating: Talk of death

Max was done. )

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