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Apr. 5th, 2012


Who: Neil and Sam
What: Post-masquerade things. (PART 2)
Where: Passages, then Neil's awesome villa.
When: Continuation of this.
Warnings/Rating: We thought this one might fit into one entry. We were wrong.

She listened to him talk as he neared the glass, but she was really paying attention to his reaction to it. The rolling of his shoulders was telling, and the frown let her know they were making progress. )


Who: Neil and Sam
What: Post-masquerade things. (PART 1)
Where: Passages, then Neil's awesome villa.
When: Backdated to after the masquerade.
Warnings/Rating: None.

The laugh wasn’t surprising and she realized that, like Elias, he didn’t actually fall for her rough exterior act, not really. )

Mar. 21st, 2012


Who: Neil, Liam and Sam Christine, Raoul and the Phantom
What: Exploration leads to a tug of war
Where: Beneath the Paris Opera House, Phantom Door
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Y for Yelling, B for Boys, and SD for Stupid Damsels

He stood his ground as Raoul approached, his mouth tightening into a firm line at the other man’s cool tone. The way he regarded him, all arrogance looking down at that which was inferior, was not surprising, and he was certain that he had never hated anyone as much as he hated the Vicomte. )

Mar. 11th, 2012


Who: Neil, Aiden, Liam, and Sam
What: Trying to come up with a solution for their Alter problem and failing.
Where: Firefly.
When: ... Recently.
Warnings/Rating: Some childish antics, but nothing serious.

No, we’ve just been sitting here, trying to piss each other off. )

Mar. 2nd, 2012


Who: Sam and Neil
What: getting kicked out of places
Where: Venetian -> Passages
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Sam swears.

I don't think Erik and Christine would have been happy. As for her and Raoul, I can't say, but please don't compare Erik to Edward Cullen. I'm insulted on his behalf. )

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