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Feb. 16th, 2013


Who: Gwen, Flash and MJ
When: After new spidey showed up on the journals
Where: Flash/Gwen apartment
What: Talking about what to do with the spider
Warnings: Flash and MJ swearing.

But the yogurt didn't make her feel any less splotchy, any less blonde, or any less pathetically alone. )

Feb. 8th, 2013


who pepper and mj
what talking over new positions
when recently!
where stark tower
warning some redheaded sads
The reactor was all she was focused on. There was no light, no flicker, no sign of life. )

Jan. 11th, 2013


Who: Anyone! (Open)
What: A party at MK's
Where: Bellagio
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Place locations in the subject line. Dibs if you're grabbing something. Warn if necessary.

There were two remarkable things about the party at the Bellagio: )

Jan. 6th, 2013


who MK and Wren
what concerned visits
when recently fuzzy timeline
where MK's bellagio suite
warning the usual at this point lbr

It was her way of making peace, maybe. Or just her way of worrying. )

Dec. 13th, 2012


Who: Adam, MK
Where: Adam's apartment
When: Recently
What: Adam & MK Christmas special.
Warnings: Warm fuzziness, swearing.

MK laughed again, something quiet and joyful. A foreign sound during the past few weeks, or really, months. )

Nov. 28th, 2012


Who: MK and Adam
Where: Drug party at some penthouse
When: Recently!
What: These two can't stay away from each other. I blame spidey kids
Warnings: Swearing, sexy stuff, drug use.

He looked down at her, eyes shifting to how close they were to each other as his fingers twitched nervously. )

Nov. 17th, 2012


Who: Billy, Elise, MK, Neil and Sam
What: Billy's Charity concert
When: Recently
Where: A theatre in downtown Vegas.

Clove and cardamom, kava and poppies, just a speck of tobacco to quicken the burn. )

Nov. 14th, 2012


WHO MJ and Peter.
WHAT chatting
WHEN after the Loki freak out.
WHERE Peter's bedroom.
WARNINGS bff cuteness, cuddling.
He was doing all he could, really, and he and MJ were not a couple. If people would just get that. )

Nov. 6th, 2012


WHO MK and Val
WHAT reunited and it feels so goooood.
WHEN today!
WHERE the comic shop.
It was crazy to think she was some kind of addict, but Val didn’t judge. )

Nov. 1st, 2012


WHO MK & Adam.
WHAT so much angst. ;_;
WHEN after this
WHERE their apartment.
WARNINGS mentions of past attacks, swearing, wahhhmbulance. kelly and i are still hurting
And, it made Adam laugh. A cold, rattling, robot laugh. )

Oct. 31st, 2012


WHO MJ and Flash.
WHAT Feelings and stuff.
WHERE Parker house.
WHEN During the Frankenstorm.
WARNINGS Some sexiitiems.
That was her super power; making dudes just stupid for her. )

Oct. 30th, 2012


Who: Sam and MK
What: New door meetups!
Where: A bar (and a bathroom stall)
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Drugs

She felt better than she had in ages, high as hell and drunk out of her mind. The emptiness was filled, at least for the moment, and she couldn’t remember the last time that had happened. Definitely not recently. )

Oct. 19th, 2012


WHO maddie kate robinson.
WHAT a post-party narrative.
WHEN after the flash/mj meet-up.
WHERE passages, then the waterhouse/robinson abode.
WARNING the usual mk stuff! depression, talk of self-harm, etc.
Her entire body ached, and she knew why. )

Oct. 18th, 2012


Who: Flash and MJ
Where: Outside of the warehouse
When: After the party
What: Reveals~
Warnings: Talk of violence. lots of swears.

Honestly, it sort of seemed like she switched places with the doc’s girlfriend for the night. )


Who: Peter Parker and MJ Watson
When: Backdated to just after this, way before the group event.
What: Chats on porches between old friends.
Where: Marvel door, Peter's house.
Note: Unfinished because the group plot ate us.

Peter refused to think of Gwen’s absence as a loss. )

Oct. 10th, 2012


WHO MK and Adam.
WHAT (some) bad secrets come out.
WHEN recently.
WHERE the Waterhouse-Robinson apartment.
WARNING swearing, talk of self-harm.
He loved her completely. What did she want? )

Oct. 5th, 2012


Who: Tony & Mary Jane
What: Tony tries to run off his new assistant with SCIENCE
Where: The Labs in Stark Tower
When: Not too long ago?
Warnings/Rating: I can't remember if Tony swears.

Interning at Stark Industries had turned into quite the experience for Mary Jane Watson. )

Sep. 17th, 2012


Who: Harry & MJ
What: Playing hooky during a school field trip.
Where: Around New York City.
When: Recently? Lets say the afternoon of the day that the Osborns are having their dinner with Gwen to keep things current? Whatever works.
Warnings: None. Cuteness.

She continued to move forward as he did, slow deliberate steps that made sure she wasn’t too far out of his reach. Maybe she wanted to stay close to him, too. )

Aug. 24th, 2012


WHO MK and Adam.
WHAT three little words.
WHEN tonight-ish?
WHERE the Mandarin Bar.
WARNING excessive amounts of cute. EXCESSIVE.
Adam managed a smile, eyes quickly checking for the heart necklace that her dead ex-lover gave her, his smile turning more honest and bright when he saw that it was missing. )

Aug. 23rd, 2012


WHO Peter and MJ (with guest appearances by the Watsons~)
WHAT Getting her the heck out of that house.
WHEN Recently!
WHERE The Watson house.
WARNING Language, implications of domestic abuse.
All Peter wanted was to get MJ safe, and it was a pretty simple operation. Three steps--from her door to his. )

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