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Mar. 3rd, 2013


Who: Morgan and Olivia
What: Reaching out
Where: Olivia's apartment in Turnberry
When: Backdated to after her mugging
Warnings/Rating: Olivia being frazzled.

Olivia knew police stations. She had stood in enough of them in the dreary, gray early hours to know exactly how they smelled (antiseptic, beer, vomit) and how they sounded (the shrill chirp of the telephone over a rattle and clank of metal bars, conversations overlapping like ocean waves until it was a cacophony that drilled, relentlessly into one’s head. )

Feb. 8th, 2013


Who: Selina and Helena
What: Checking on a sleeping kitten
Where: Wayne Manor
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None

Hels had missed someone's hands in her hair, undemanding and perfectly welcome, like her mother's had been when she was home. )

Jan. 27th, 2013


WHO Tim & Hels
WHAT Hels wakes up
WHEN Saturday, 1/26
WHERE The bunker

The first thing she was aware of was that she wasn't dead, if only because her body still hurt. )

Jan. 24th, 2013


WHO Tim & Hels
WHAT Talking
WHEN Right after Tim comes back from trying to find Ra's
WHERE The Quarantine Bunker

Three words. Eight letters. )


Who: Damian, Dick, and Helena
What: Snowball fight and picking out a tree
Where: Wayne Manor grounds
When: Prior to Christmas
Warnings/Rating: Dami and Hels being cute Waynesibs.

A moment passed in the wake of his suicidal snow fighting tactic and Damian crawled out from under the tree, laying on his back as he picked out twigs from his clothes and hair. 'I am victorious.' )

Jan. 13th, 2013


Who: Helena and Tim
What: Talking
Where: Drake Manor
When: After this
Warnings/Rating: Morbid conversations regarding what ifs and a kiss. Mild, tame, it's all Kara's fault.

As you wish )

Jan. 11th, 2013


Who: Helena and Selina
What: The kitten wants momma cat
Where: Wayne Manor
When: The night Hels takes care of Dami's cats
Warnings/Rating: Nope, none

Because Bruce, she knew, thought he could fend off illness with sheer force of will; the kitty cat knew better. )

Jan. 9th, 2013


Who: Morgan and Nico
What: Meeting
Where: The Espressamente Illy, Palazzo
When: Backdated to after this
Warnings/Rating: Talk about kinky activities.

Nico had been so dead set against giving her his real name, but this could get ridiculous fast. )

Jan. 7th, 2013


WHO Tim & Helena
WHAT Some talking & nose setting
WHEN Immediately after she breaks his nose
WHERE Drake Manor

The alcohol had been a bad idea in hindsight, and it could have gone a lot worse, but he wasn’t thinking about those things right at that moment. )

Dec. 14th, 2012


Who: Hels and Kara
What: Going shopping!
Where: Tokyo; the Peninsula and then Harcoza
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Kara being Kara and Hel being so deep in the closet, Narnia's closer.

Kara could be as grown-up as she could be childish. Blame years in a Kryptonian pod for that one. )

Dec. 11th, 2012


Who: Tim, Helena, and Barbara (guest texts from Dick)
What: Post-gas watchfulness/waking up
Where: Wayne Manor
When: *handwave* Recentish?
Warnings/Rating: Injuries, memory loss, strange text messages

Maybe she should start from the beginning. Simple things. Who was she? )

Dec. 10th, 2012


Who: Olivia and Morgan
What: A visit
Where: Olivia's Bank
When: Shortly after Morgan arrived, so backdated.
Warnings/Rating: Nope, none.

Olivia did not laugh like that, not so often and not in business and she would sit and she would listen and she would wonder the how of it, absently as she ticked over forecasts and projections. )

Dec. 8th, 2012


Who: Helena
What: Vexing a Scarecrow
Where: Gotham, random internet cafe
When: Current, after her conversations with Kara and Tim
Warnings/Rating: Hels being her mother's daughter.

Robin, like Robin Hood )

Dec. 3rd, 2012



Who: Morgan, Max, and Luke -> Helena, Kara, And Bruce
What: Hels gets her not!Dad back and her BFF
Where: Passages, Wayne Manor
When: Tuesday last
Warnings/Rating: Hels being adorbs, Kara being flirty, Bruce being angsty

No way Hel was going to fleece not-Bruce, not when she was hugging him like he was her real dad or something. )

Nov. 29th, 2012


Who: Helena and Tim
What: Hels goes to talk to Timmy about the warehouse party
Where: Rooftop in Old Gotham
When: After this
Warnings/Rating: Angst, unresolved issues, and mentions of sex (non graphic)

Selina was going to kill him if she found out, after torturing him and ruining what was left of his life. )

Nov. 17th, 2012


Who: Morgan and Spencer, with very brief appearances by Tim and Helena
What: Meeting
Where: Unnamed bar
When: Before Helena crosses
Warnings/Rating: Some feels, nothing big.

Ballsy. I like it. )

Nov. 11th, 2012


Who: Liam and Tristan
What: Post arrest
Where: The hospital Tristan was being treated at.
When: Post arrest, fuzzy timeline is fuzzy.
Warnings/Rating: Cursing.

Everything was fuzzy. )

Nov. 2nd, 2012


Who: Sam, Liam, and Helena/Tristan
What: Keeping the boogeywoman out of Vegas.
Where: Passages
When: In the days following the party
Warnings/Rating: Some cursing? That's about it.

Sam knew she was being a complete fucking idiot, but that didn't stop her from riding the bus to the hotel at quarter-of-five o'clock that afternoon. )

Oct. 8th, 2012


Who: Damian, Helena, Selina
What: Intercepting a parcel
Where: Gotham International Airport
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None

The plane in question was filled with experimental drugs for one Dr. Crane. Destination? Unknown. )

Sep. 29th, 2012


WHO Tim & Helena
WHAT Meeting & Presents!
WHEN After she meets Selina
WHERE Metropolis Public Library

Despite what he said about not giving foot massages, his thumb started to rub circles along the inside of her ankle. )

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